Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mayor Rob Ford: How did he get his job?

Since his election as the mayor of Toronto in 2010, Rob Ford (Campaign Profile) has become famous for a number of bizarre activities, ranging from excessive drinking and crack usage to starting an online war against Kevin Spacey. Toronto is unfortunately unable to remove him from office, although the city has restricted several of his powers. However, these insane antics did not start once he was elected; it was known that he had been arrested for a DUI and possession of marijuana during his run for office. Ford dealt with allegations of these crimes by simply denying the arrest had occurred.

How is it, that in the age of information, a man such as this one could become elected to office? Moreover, how is it possible that he can remain in office even after admitting he smoked crack? (Here)

A summary of all the allegations made against Mayor Ford is here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe this is an indication of some corruption within the Toronto government; a possible abuse of powers. As a politician, maybe he has the ability to hide some of his misconduct from the public eye. It is now, through investigative journalism, that the public is now able to see his actions.