Saturday, September 17, 2011

Republicans Rewrite Poll Laws

Many Republicans in their states have stopped early voting, increased voter ID restrictions, and pushed back voting rights of ex-felons. These restrictions pose the biggest threat to minorities and the younger populations, groups that helped Obama win his first time in office. Restrictions to keep out voters have been very common throughout history, most infamous were probably the grandfather clauses that kept African-Americans away from the polls for years. Reform is being made to the way states are won; instead of a winner takes all approach, some states are considering going at it through congressional districts, making it harder to win by margins. Many presidents in the past, ex. President Lincoln, won by garnering enough of the public vote to win a state. Maybe the Republicans have voter's best interests at heart, but Democrats denounced these new proposals and measures as attempts to take stabs at Obama's voting demographic. More than 30 states increased measures and restrictions on voting, and many of the younger voting population lack proper identification, keeping them away from the polls in the future. With all that the country had worked for in the past century, would it be reasonable to pass these new voting restrictions?

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