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We've all heard things about Trump. Good things. Bad things. Mostly bad things I'm sure. At least in the community we live in. Just in the past year, with Trump's victory over Clinton, he became TIME's person of the year. Rightfully so in fact. The victory sparked lots of various feelings and it felt as if he's been all the rage ever since. Anyhow, I am sure it wouldn't surprise you to hear that Trump allegedly took a pass on being TIME's person of the year. In a tweet, he states that " Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!" Funny that, because Time responds with "The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6. "
You know, I don't follow politics that often, but you can be sure that I've heard of Trump's ramblings on fake news. Well I suppose Trump is also fake news. Which is really bad for his image I am sure. What I'd like to know is how does Trump lie and get away with it. One would think that he would be an advocate for truth with all his fake news statements. Furthermore, from his tweet, it would seem that from his view, that just because TIME probably would choose him as person of the year equals him declining the opportunity. To me, that seems like a childish sort of "pick me" mentality.
I'm sure we can all agree to an extant that Trump is a representative of the United States. What adverse effects might the United States experience as a result of his actions? Will it be bad in the long run? Has your opinion of United State's image changed?
Trump has been known to use social media and other platforms to spread his fake news to the public. When American citizens elect a president that consistently spreads false information, the false information leaks into the public systems and other areas that negatively affect people's lives, preventing people from knowing what is true. When such an abundance of false information is spread, it makes it more difficult for people to carry through with their responsibilities, such as voting, because it inhibits them from knowing what information is actually true. Fake news and Trump's consistent lying will negatively impact many generations, especially in situations such as voting where the leaders who are elected based on fake news will have opportunities to create long lasting changes in areas such as gerrymandering.
I agree with Natalie that Trump's actions will negatively affect our country. As our president, he shouldn't be posting false statements on social media. Donald Trump should be setting a good example for our country and should not be someone that we can't trust. If our own president is spreading false information, others will follow his example. Moreover, this incident regarding Time magazine is just one example of how self-centered he can be when he should be focusing on bigger, more important issues.
I definitely think that with Trump being President has changed the image of the United States in some good and bad ways. Because the President of the United States is such an ego-maniac, foreign countries will think twice about what their relationship is like with the U.S. They'll also second guess themselves when making moves that might "show up" Trump and the United States, because as we've seen from his behavior on social media, he'll say or do things that'll flex his authority or give him an ego boost. However, having a President who is immature and self conscious about what others think about him, is also a bad thing, and can lead to impulsive actions fueled by emotions rather than making the right decisions.
I think the image of the United States in my opinion is really bad now. Everything seems like a big prank, the government seems like a joke and the news and everything I here about politics does not help. Ever since Trump, politics has become nothing but jokes and memes. I can't take politics seriously and the US has become a joke to many people.
I think that having Donald Trump as the President of the United States has negatively affected the image of the country, but I think that is also somewhat indicative of the country's constituents. While I do think that the image Trump projects of the United States is worrisome, I still don't believe that his actions in themselves will create a large difference. As we've learned this year, the process to create new legislation is a long one. I think another perspective to take is that the amount of time Trump spent thinking about what to tweet about the magazine was probably small, compared the amount of focus the public places on it. His tweet really doesn't actually do anything, it's just a stupid tweet.
I think that with Trump being the president, there has been many negative effects. I also believe that a president should be upholding a professional image and should not be spreading fake news through social media, for it just illustrates how immature he is. Based on how we see him and his actions, I agree politics is becoming hard to control and take on seriously.
Trump's administration has been a trainwreck, and I am not a fan of him at all, however, I think that he will change politics as a whole. Look at his campaign, he beat all odds to even become the president and has opened doors to many people that feel as though they could not have run for president in the past. I do not know where politics will go in the next few years, but I do know that there will be a huge change since Trump has become president.
The face of politics has definitely changed because of Donald Trump. Social media is a strong source of news for a lot of younger people, and when Trump tweets out all these unnecessary and egotistic statements, it makes it really hard for people to find him professional and appealing. I'm sure Trump has bigger issues to deal with other than his appearance of Time magazine, and this just shows how the president cares more about himself than the problems of the country. It's going to be interesting to see how history books in the future will describe this era of the government with Trump's administration in charge.
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