Turning 75 this year, Joe Biden is not looking forward to the 2020 presidential election. Failing both 1988 and 2008 to win and with the death of his son, he believes that he running for president is not the best course. “I’d much prefer to be helping someone turn it around than being the guy trying to turn it around,” Biden once said. What do you guys think? If not Biden for president then who for the Democrats? Ye?

This is a disappointment to hear that Biden is not running, especially given the fact that I would vote for him if he were on the ballot. Biden represents one of the high-ranking Democratic politicians from the Obama era, and his presidency would greatly assist in pushing back the chaos from the Trump era. If not Biden, I would vote for Sanders, but I am still open to see which other liberal candidate options will be open in 2020. I am also rather surprised that Biden ran in 1988 (when George H.W. Bush won instead).
This is actually a really interesting topic. I was reading an article from the NY Times kind of about this, and about Biden's book "Promise Me, Dad". He mentions different topics (3 main ones) about his potential campaign and about his son Beau's death. During the interview portion, he mentions that Obama discouraged him from running, due to his son's diagnosis and prognosis. Biden also touches on the subject that he couldn't outright say that he wasn't going to run in 2008 because he wanted to keep his son's disease a secret,and the press would know Beau essentially had a death sentence. However, If Biden doesn't run, I'm not sure who else would be the democratic candidate and Im quite interested in how the previous democratic losses will allow the democratic candidate to win or lose. And also if the upcoming candidate will change the game in favor of the democrats.
I am also disappointed that Joe Biden will most likely not be running for president in 2020. Certainly, though I believe that there is still a chance that he would run for president and if he does I am not so sure that he would win. With his old age I am not sure running for president would be a good idea. But I believe that Biden would at least have the best chance of winning out of all the liberal candidates.
Joe Biden seems like a good guy with the best intentions, so it looks unfortunate that he won't be running for president. Doubtful he'd win, but anything is possible. His reasons for backing down is understandable as well. I don't blame him At this point, anyone who's honest and is a functioning adult sounds like a good candidate. Someone who has the best intentions for the people anyways. I'd like to think that those people exist in our society, just getting them to win is the problem.
It sucks that this can not happen especially because it would give most of America hope after this term. He was an avid Vice President, and would do a great job as president with having White House experience behind him. It is also a possibility that Kanye will run for president, maybe we have unofficial hope.
I agree with the above commenters that Biden would have been a great choice for president. However, considering all the traumatic events he has had to endure, I think that for his own mental sanity, not running for president is a good choice. If not Biden, I would want Michelle Obama to consider running. While I know she has made it clear several times that she does not want to get too involved in these politics, I think she is very intelligent, powerful, and quite popular (showing up more popular than her husband on several polls). I think it is about time that we had a female president.
It would definitely be nice if Biden ran for the presidency, but it's understandable why he's decided to back down. For the 2020 presidency, Trump has essentially mowed the GOP to the ground. I personally believe that the President will be decided during the Democratic primaries, as the number of Democratic voters (and perhaps maybe Republican-turned-Democrat/Independent) will skyrocket simply to kick Trump out of office.
I too feel that Biden would have been a good candidate for president, for he has the right mindset and intentions. But as the comments above have mentioned, under certain circumstances it's best that he not run for president. I personally am open to other candidates but like Emily said, if Michelle Obama were running I would vote for her.
I also agree that Biden would have been a good candidate, but I do think that it would have taken a toll on his mental health, especially given his age and the fact that his son passed away. Running for president, as we have learned, is incredibly exhausting, and I feel as if Biden is making a wise decision. I do also think Michelle Obama could make a great president, but I also think California Senator Kamala Harris may be an interesting option for the Democratic party. In response to the possibility of Kanye running, I am slightly worried – after the 2016 election, anything can happen.
Joe Biden is a good, honest man, but I think the time of the old is coming to the end. I am all in for the lieutenant governor of California Gavin Newson because of his experience in the offices and his support for equality. Don't get me wrong, at 50 years old his not spring chicken, but in the political world his practically an infant. A younger face, similar to Trudeau up in Canada would be good for America. However, with his full force backing of gay marriage in the 00s would give him some considerable hate from the evangelical. What do you guys thing? Gavin 2020?
I do believe that Biden would be a good choice to represent the democrats. But I do think he is getting very old. I thin it is time for Biden to relax and enjoy his last years of his life. Like Tilman said, I believe a younger face would be better.
I think that Biden would have been a great candidate for the Democratic Party to run with in 2020, but in light of all that he has gone through with his family, as well as his age and extensive previous experience in government and the White House, it is probably time for him to step back from politics for good, enjoy the rest of his life and relax. That being said, I am not sure who the Democratic Party is going to look towards now to serve as the next presidential candidate, who they really need to be strong to rebound from this year's loss. I have heard that Elizabeth Warren has made a strong case, and there are plenty of other candidates, both female and male, who would be able to fight for the spot in 2020. Like I said before, whoever it is, they need to be a very strong candidate for the Democrats to be able to rebound and win this next election. While Hillary seemed to be a strong candidate at the beginning of the last campaign cycle, her whole email controversy made the timing of her campaign very poor and unfortunateley really hurt her attempt to win the Presidency. Hopefully the next Democratic candidate is not involved in controversy and can manage to win over the people to win the Presidency.
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