Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore has been hit with allegations of sexual contact with a 14-year-old, when Moore was in his thirties. These allegations come in the middle of allegations made against many high-profile individuals, and many GOP senators have called for him to step down from the race. He does not seem to show signs of wishing to step down.
Currently, Republicans hold only a narrow two person majority in the senate, which could lower to a one person majority if Moore steps down. However, if Moore does not step down, his implementation and Trump's endorsement of Moore could have negative effects on Trump's reelection.
I did some further research on the topic and found out that Roy Moore dated several other underage girls when he was in his 30s, though who knows how many other young girls he's come in contact with since then. It saddens me that Leigh Corfman, the 14-year old girl whom Moore coerced into sexual acts, was reluctant to come forward for decades because she feared that her allegations would be undermined by her troubled family and financial background. This is another case in which the First Amendment, though a great concept on paper, is ineffective in practice because powerful political elites such as Moore and Trump can get away with being sexual predators just because their reputation is, to the public, more validating than actual testimonies from multiple women. Are Americans going to continue pretending to believe that these women must have some kind of ulterior motive for accusing these men, or will it take an actual semen-stained dress (the winning evidence for Monica Lewinsky in her case against Bill Clinton) to prove them guilty?
this is the article I found some of my info on ^
This behavior disgusting... but the part I have found so surprising about this story is the length that people are going to to defend Moore even if they think these allegations are true. A great(terrible) example of this is Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler defending Moore by saying "...take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus." JUST BECAUSE JOSEPH WAS A PEDOPHILE DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT! And frankly you can't compare two very different incidents that happened over 2000 years apart.
To answer your question, I don't know if Moore will lose this election but based on the news today that the Republicans might endorse a write-in candidate, I would give the democratic candidate a good chance at getting the most votes.
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