Saturday, September 2, 2017

Trump preparing withdrawal from South Korea trade deal, a move opposed by top aides

Article 1
Article 2

Is the "artist of the deal," President Trump, making some poor decisions on America's free trade policy?

One of the main effects of backing out of a free trade deal with South Korea is the economic impact on US consumers and corporations. South Korean companies supply a large amount of America's electronics and technologies imports, such as Samsung, Kia, etc. Tariffs placed on these products may benefit American manufacturers and workers to some extent by encouraging purchase of American goods, but will also drive product prices up; especially if Korea responds with tariffs, prices may skyrocket, putting everyone at a disadvantage. Trump's economic advisers have spoken out against ending the deal.

Another concern is the US - South Korea coalition against North Korea, and whether trade tensions could weaken the military effectiveness against a common enemy. Several of Trump's military advisers, including Secretary of Defense Mattis have spoken against ending the deal.

Can Trump's advisers convince him to maintain the deal, and how does his track record as President so far indicate his choice of action? What are your thoughts on Trump's decision? Is it helping him achieve his goals as President?


Victoria Fong said...

I don't agree with Trump's decision to withdraw from the trade deal with South Korea. Since North Korea is showing off their nuclear weapons and H bombs, it is essential that allies stick together. I understand that part of Trump's campaign promises was to focus on the American economy and back out of, what he believes are, unfair trade deals. It just seems odd that Trump is choosing right now to sever ties with South Korea. Although his intentions may be economical, they seem to allude to political alliances as well. I'm also concerned that Trump isn't listening to his top aides. He picked those people to help him, so if he isn't listening to them, it reveals a lot about his character and future actions he will take as a president.

Anonymous said...

Similar to Victoria, I do not agree with Trump's decision on the trade deal either. Not only does this seem to promise to be a detriment to our economy, but it also does not help to create conflict, or potential conflict, with allied countries. Based on past decisions made by Trump, I do not believe his advisers will be able to convince him to stay a part of the deal. Additionally, I believe that his decision will not be well received by the general public. His approval ratings are quite low presently, and this will not help his popularity with Americans, let alone citizens of other countries.