Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Power of Party Labels

The chart below is related to our data analysis work, the "party in the electorate", as well as the theme of emerging partisan polarization. Discuss. h/t dailyyonder via Sullivan. Also, fellow bloggers, this is what I consider the maximum one should borrow/quote from a source for republication. You should always provide a link to the original source as a courtesy to your readers and your source. -- Mr. Silton

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that this is an example of political socialization (or manipulation) at its finest. Strongly republican, the family, schools, and peers of rural areas undoubtedly highly influence their population to vote republican. This chart is representative of the two most increasingly strong and swaying words in American Politics: Republican and Democrat. Further, it is the flip side of Romney's claim that 47% of the population are going to vote for Obama no matter what, because it looks like a high percentage of rural voters are going to vote Republican no matter what.