Saturday, September 1, 2012

In Other News...

Taking a breath after the flurry of events that were Hurricane Isaac and the Republican National Convention, let's look at some of the other events that occurred over the course of the week.

For example, Bill Nye offered his thoughts about creationism.

Creationists then responded in turn.

Desmond Tutu helped us understand the GOP's opposition to the US joining the International Criminal Court.

"Mark Owen," author of a book detailing the bin Laden raid, may or may not be sued by the Pentagon.

Mali moved closer to becoming a haven for extreme Islamists.

And let's not forget about the Syrian civil war.

1 comment:

Eavan Huth said...

I feel that Bill Nye's video (obligatory BILL BILL BILL) was an important message to send out, because I personally agree that teaching evolution is critical to understanding many other aspects of life. I disagree with the harshness with which he dismissed creationists, however--implying that everything someone else believes is crazy will not make them agree with you, but rather push them further away from compromise. That's not to say creationists are in the right at all, as many of them do their fair share of mudslinging and attempting to force beliefs (to some degree). Regardless of the faults of either side of the argument, however, a compromise must be made at some point.