Friday, December 23, 2011

Man sues airlines over underwear bomber incident

A New York man is suing two airlines for $10 million saying he was injured when he tackled the "underwear bomber" during a Detroit-bound flight on Christmas Day in 2009.

He is suing Delta Airlines and Air France-KLM for neglecting to prevent the underwear bomber from boarding Flight 253 on Northwest Airlines, which merged with Delta.

Airlines have declined to comment on the court case.

According to records, the incident started when a loud noise was heard in the back of the plane and a man was engulfed in a fireball. The man remained expressionless while his body was consumed by the inferno.

Four passengers restrained him and helped put out the fire and was escorted to the first class section of the plane

Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab pleaded guilty to trying to blow up the airplane and is facing life in jail.

US officials accuse al Qaeda was behind the bombing attempt.

Does this man have the right to sue the airlines for something like this?


Sophia Wu said...

I don't think that he can sue the airline. It was his choice to go and tackle the "underwear bomber." He could have let the flight attendants deal with the situation instead of putting himself in harms way. I think he would have been justified if he had been an innocent bystander that got injured instead of an active participant.

Jennifer Nguyen said...

I have to agree with Sophia. It was the man's choice whether or not he was going to tackle the underwear bomber. However, I do also think that Delta Airlines and Air France-KLM should have done a better job trying to prevent the underwear bomber from even boarding the plane. Obviously, someone in the airline was not going their job thoroughly enough. I don't think the man has enough grounds to sue the airline. As Sophia said, if he had been a bystander as a result of the bombing, then it would justify his means of suing.

Billy Seeburger said...

I dont think that it was the airliners' fault even, it was TSA. If there is anyone to sue it is them. The airliners are not liable for the security, they are liable for the flight.

Rebecca Hu said...

Although I understand why the man is angry - I would be traumatized all the same if I were in his situation - the airlines are not at fault. Even if it WERE possible to detect the "underwear bomber" beforehand, any potential blame would be placed on the security at the specific airport itself and not on the airlines that conduct services independent of those offered at the airport. I also think that this situation points to how easily our law system can be taken advantage of - this man obviously thinks he needs some kind of compensation for the "noble" acts that he performed during the bombing incident.

Timothy Leung said...

This man voluntarily tackled a burning man - it's pretty obvious he would be bound to be injured.

It's understandable that anyone would take the chance to get a big wad of cash the easiest way possible with the least effort if they think they can - that is how lawsuits work.

I don't think this will go to court. If this does go to court - most likely he will take the settlement that come shortly after.

This guy just wants a reward for his heroic action. Whether he should get $10 million out of it is another issue entirely.

Unknown said...

The airlines cannot do much because the incident was not directly related to the companies themselves. Would the man have done the same thing if he were on a bus or in a public place? And I would think that the companies would acknowledge the four men who took action to try and stop this attempted bombing. Overall, I think it would be fair for Delta and Air France to thank these people and in this thank you their medical bills can be covered if they were injured in the plane.

Colin Grele said...

This has nothing to do with the airlines. It is up to airport security to stop potential terrorists. So this guy is already wrong by even trying to sue the airlines. But trying to sue for $10 million dollars is even more ridiculous. I don't think this guy deserves any attention at all.

Alex Zuniga said...

I agree with everyone else that it is not the airlines fault. The fact of the matter is that the man willingly tackled the underwear bomber and knew that he might be injured. In my opinion I think that the man just wanted some free money.