Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fortess of Melted Brick

Now, I know this has nothing to do with politics or economy, but it's something interesting to end the day with. It's a fortess of brick that was later used by the Russian military to test the effects of napalm inside of brick houses. The temperatures got so high that the bricks melted like ice and became brick colored icicles


Anonymous said...

Leave it to the Russians to make brick icicles!! Well, I guess they at least figured out what would happen if they were to use napalm inside of a brick house... Are there any pictures of this KimKim?? because now I'm trying to imagine what a brick icicle looks like. Ahh, the discoveries made with napalm...

Jesse Chung said...

I would most definitly want to play brick icicles for decorations cause those just sound pretty cool