Wednesday, September 25, 2019

"Let's See Them Aliens": Civilians "Raid" U.S. Military Installation In Search For Alien Life

Image result for area 51 raid
Source: TIME Magazine

Disclaimer: This is my joke/unrelated to history blog post.

The Government has a lot on its hands. A trade war, a budget deficit, healthcare problems, you name it.
Whether the government is doing well to solve those problems… uh, let’s leave that for another day. Today,
let’s take a look at what the citizenry is up to.

Ah, yes. Raiding a U.S. military installation that was kept a secret for most of U.S. history.

The so-called Area 51 “raid” was first proposed early-mid 2019 in a Facebook event titled, “Storm Area 51:
They can’t stop all of us.” The event quickly gained popularity, eventually reaching two million people
committing to going.

Of those two million, around 3,000 actually showed up to “raid” Area 51 on September 20th. Their plan?
“Naruto” run (the act of throwing one’s arms behind their back, bending over, and running at high speeds)
to dodge the military’s bullets, storm Area 51, and save the aliens (among other things, like, uh...) trapped

Contrary to what some believe, the raid on Area 51 was less of a raid and more of a community event. “Alienstock,” the eventual name of the event, was announced as a music festival that would take place on the site. Though there were guards in front of the gate, sources from the TIME article state that the guards were quite friendly. Guards and raiders alike partied, took photos, and had a good time.

In spite of the raid not turning out as expected, many were happy with how the event turned out. Raiders showed up with costumes joke protest signs, and lots of music and food. Lore surrounding aliens at Area 51 was a central theme of the event, with many calls to “see them aliens.”

So in spite of the fact that many thought that hundreds of people would die in stupidity and that this would end up becoming a humanitarian crisis, I personally am happy that the people who turned up didn’t cause too much trouble and had a good time. 

Question Prompts:

  1. You wanna see them aliens? Or nah?
  2. Knowing how the event really turned out in hindsight, would you have attended had you been given the chance?
  3. What do you think of this whole debacle? Stupid? Wholesome? Both?
  4. Do you personally believe aliens exist, inside Area 51 or not?


X Æ A-12 said...

This is a classic representation of the unity that ridiculous things on the internet can bring us. In response to your questions:
1. Yes
2. If I didn't have to go to school or other obligations, attending with some friends would sound pretty fun and could definitely make for an interesting story down the road.
3. This whole "raid" was both stupid and wholesome. Although it started off as a planned "raid," nobody really expected anyone to try to break into the military base and everyone seemed to enjoy each others' company (raiders and guards alike) and it seemed to be an overall good experience for those who attended.
4. I definitely don't think that aliens are kept within the confines of Area 51, since it's actually an air force base and not some intergalactic communications area. But for aliens in general, I'm not so sure.

Anonymous said...

My Twitter feed pretty much blew up as soon as this whole shebang concluded, so it's a pretty nice change of pace to see something remotely-positive, a nice escape from all of the mals of current affairs.

Now, in regards to your question:
1.) Gamers rise up, let's go
2.) To be honest, as much as I joke around about it, I don't really see myself attending, even with other friends. Mostly due to other existing obligations.
3.) Beyond the 5 arrests (because public exposure and drunkenness aren't nice), it was really nice to see the local community and some of the federal guards play along with the participants. Was it stupid? Yes, definitely. But, hey, nobody got hurt (unless you were the 5 that got arrested, of course)
4.) Personally, the existence of aliens is just a bunch of hubris and I doubt that there's some esoteric knowledge about extraterrestrial beings would be withheld in a federal facility. If you'll excuse me, I must now return to my nest in the sewers and present the scaly Queen-Mother of Xanu with a cat sacrifice.