Friday, March 16, 2018

A Storm is Brewing over the White house

For some background, porn star Stormy Daniels claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump just months after his son Barron was born, starting in 2006. There is proof that shortly before the 2016 election, Daniels was paid 130,000 dollars by Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, and asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Daniels is suing Trump, saying that the non-disclosure act is void because his lawyer discussed certain elements of the agreement. She is also willing to give back the 130,000 dollars.

Daniels has already taped a 60 minutes interview, scheduled to air on the 25th, wanting not only to tell the public her story about the affair, but also explain the "attempts made by the president and        Mr. Cohen to muzzle her and prevent her from telling her story." Now, Daniels is claiming that she      was  physically threatened to remain silent. Though Trump has denied any sexual relationship             with Daniels, she is sure that she has enough evidence to prove her claimed story.

    Bill Clinton had an affair while in office, and wasn't removed as President. However, given Daniels Claims to be physically threatened, and the proceedings in silencing her seem illegal, coupled with Trumps past remarks about assaulting women, this seems more severe. On the 25th in the 60 minutes showing, Daniels is "going to provide very specific details about what happened," giving further information about her side of this further developing story. 

Do you think she is telling the truth? Or trying to catch publicity?
Given there is evidence of the Trump Administration trying to silence the story, may she be credible?
What information do you think she will provide the American public on the 25th?
Is there any information at this point that could be damaging to Trump?


Anonymous said...

Its kind of convenient that she decides to now come out that she was sexually harassed just when Trump became the president. I mean I'm not saying that her story might not be credible, I just find it suspicious plus considering how much people want to get Trump out of office this is just another piece of evidence to back up their claim that Trumps a bad president.

Anonymous said...

I think she is telling the truth because she is willing to give that money back, and she claims to have enough evidence. We won't really be able to decide until after the interview, but it could go any way.

Unknown said...

Don't you mean a STORMY is brewing over the White House? Haha
I think that she is telling the truth if there is evidence that she was paid and signed a nondisclosure agreement. I imagine that she will give details about their affair, but I do not think it will be damaging to Trump since his questionable behavior has sort of become normal to the American public. I think since Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky Americans' expectations for politicians have become lower and Trump is proof of their low standards.

Anonymous said...

The article and these comments seem to miss the point that this didn't happen during Trump's presidency. Monica Lewinsky was during Clinton's presidency but this event happened way before when Trump was just a wealthy businessman. So I'm not sure why his affairs before becoming president are such a big issue.

Anonymous said...

I think that Daniels is probably telling the truth. The fact that Trump's lawyer got her to sign an NDA alone shows that there is something that the Trump administration wants her to be silent about. I agree with Michelle that at this point, Trump has said and done so many things that should be damaging to public opinion of him, but he has this core following that seem to not care what he says or does or the political failures under his administration. While the affair did not happen during his presidency, the NDA did, which shows that once he became president he wanted to silence Ms. Daniels. This backfired because if she was some random porn star claiming to have an affair with the president, few would believe her, but because of the NDA there is reason to at the very least be suspicious.

Anonymous said...

I believe Daniels is telling the truth, I have no problem believing Trump would have this affair and in addition she doesn't seem to be doing it for the publicity. The fact that she was paid in the first place makes it very likely that the affair was real and covered up by Trumps lawyer. I think she will show the 25th this isn't a publicity stunt but just her retelling what happened between them. But even with this I don't think it will really affect Trump.