Thursday, October 12, 2017

Trump Voters Say They Choose Trump Over The NFL


When NFL players started protesting the national anthem, the number of Trump voters who view the NFL as unfavorable increased. When President Trump explicitly condemned the NFL, this number skyrocketed further. In fact, statistics show the same results with other instances of negativity regarding President Trump, such as the numerous athletes who have spoken out against him publicly. The opinions of Trump voters on these athletes have become more negative the same way they have with the NFL. These patterns show that many of Trump's supporters support him to the point where they show distaste to anybody who is negative towards him.

I don't approve of all the NFL players disrespecting the national anthem. However, this is not a huge deal to me, and I think it is important that these players are allowed to protest if they want. I also don't agree with many of the athletes speaking out against President Trump. Even still, I respect their opinions and believe that it's essential that they are open about what they believe. I support our President, but I believe it is highly irrational when some of his supporters show hate towards certain people simply because they don't support him.

What do you think of NFL players protesting the national anthem? Are they justified in doing this? Should they be allowed to do this? What do you think about influential figures who speak out against President Trump? Is there rationality in the way many Trump supporters show disdain for people who disapprove of him?


Unknown said...

I think that the NFL players should be free to express their political ideas. If an athlete feels the need to come out publicly against Donald Trump they should be free to do so. In America all people are free to express their political ideas freely. I honestly don't see why Trump cares so much. There are plenty of people who hate him a heck of a lot more, and who are much more vicious than any of these athletes have been. I feel like most people don't base their political opinions on what they see football players saying. As for the Trump voters, they are also free to not like athletes who come out against him. I lose respect for famous people who come out against things I believe in like gay marriage, or women's rights. Ideally people shouldn't base their opinions of others on whether or not they share the same political beliefs as they do, but the reality is that most people do. Humans are very much "pack" animals, and we definitely show a preference for members we perceive as belonging to our own "pack" over people of other groups. This is as true in politics as in anything else.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sam in that the players should be allowed to protest however they want. Additionally, I don't understand why they should not have the right to speak out against Trump. There are political activists or actors/actresses that speak out about their dislike about Trump. I understand why the players are disliked by Trump supporters, because there is a likelihood that their fans will also dislike Trump. if that made any sense at all. They should definitely be able to speak out against whoever they want.

Anonymous said...

NFL players should be allowed to protest. Even though protesting the national anthem in order to raise awareness causes some controversy, it is their right to express their political ideas. The NFL understands this and even though they could force players to stand I do not see that happening. Additionally, I feel that if influential figures are against Trump then they should speak out. Similarly, Trump supporters should feel free to speak out against these influential figures. The more that is being said against Trump the more disdain Trump supporters will place on those who disapprove of him.