Sunday, October 15, 2017

Trump to end Obamacare subsidies amid strong critism

Trump plans to cut subsidies to health insurance providers which will greatly affect low income families.  This cut comes as a response to Congress repeatedly voting against repealing Obama. Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were outraged and said that this was"spiteful act of vast, pointless sabotage". Even some Republicans are outraged. Florida Republican Rep, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen believes Trump is going against his campaign promises as many in her community will lose access to affordable health care. Trump will not only receive backlash from many democrats but also from medical companies. They will likely challenge his executive order in court as they've done with his early repeal efforts. Trump claims that this move is the start of his repeal and replace process and this BBC article claims that many believe this move could mean the beginning of the end for Obamacare.

Do you believe cutting subsidies was just? Was it a good idea? How should those who are critical of Trumps views on health care act going forward?

bbc article


Anonymous said...

Trump complaining about Obamacare falling apart when he is sabotaging it is like an arsonist complaining about all the fires that are being started. I am disappointed but not surprised that so many people still believe that he is acting in their best interests.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe Trump should have cut subsidies. The fact that so many people are realizing that Trump is not keeping his promises speaks bounds about his effectiveness as a president. Cutting Obamacare will hurt countless families and people who cannot afford health care, which I believe will add to the negativity towards Trump.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to agree with Michael here. The paper thin justification Trump has for the removing these subsidies is that it is going towards his campaign promise of repealing and replacing Obamacare. The GOP has failed repeatedly to legislatively achieve this goal and now Trump is doing it anyway he can. Trump's tweet is confounding, and I have no clue who he thinks he is fooling; does anyone see this as some genius Machiavellian political move? Trump is trying to bluntly forward himself politically, regardless of the consequences, regardless of how many people, even those who voted for him, will be negatively impacted. In my opinion, this move is not politically savvy nor moral.

Anonymous said...

After seeing how many people rely on Obamacare, I strongly feel that Trump cutting subsidies was a mistake. He is putting a large group at risk. Previously, I believe Trump mentioned about replacing Obamacare instead of cutting a significant amount of the funding for Obamacare. This change in his course is unacceptable. I feel that it is not all of Trump's fault due to all the events that he is facing on a daily basis, But I do believe that what he did with Obamacare was wrong. He is acting on his own behalf and not what the majority believes is right.

Anonymous said...

It seems that since the beginning of Trump's presidency, his actions rarely reflect that of the public's needs. The whole point of a president is to advocate and follow through with changes in the government that benefit our country and our people. I find it excruciating and invigorating that Trump cannot see how little support he receives over the majority of his decisions he's made thus far. Instead of cutting subsidies, and talking about abolishing Obamacare as a whole, Trump should be assuring the people with a new plan.

Anonymous said...

Do I personally believe that cutting the subsidies was just? I don't really want to formulate an opinion that I don't have much knowledge. From my basic perspective, on one hand, if this bill would cut taxes, which I assume many would believe, than it is selfish, but also an understandable choice. Caring for people is a bit hard, especially if they aren't in front of you. From an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense to solely care for yourself. On the other hand, you are looking out for the less privileged were you not to cut subsidies. Justice is too complicated for me to touch. In the same vein, it was a good idea for those who would benefit it and definitely not a good idea for those who are suffering. Those who are critical should probably vote better, protest, move out of the United States. Really, can we really do anything against the government besides those listed above? We can only express our opinions and hope they are accepted.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Trump should have cut subsidies. I agree with Michael, it is truly ironic that Trump is complaining about the downfall of Obamacare, while doing every thing he can to sabotage it. I think Trump needs to realize that Obamacare is much more than what Obama created. Obama wants to get rid of many things Obama created, while failing to realize how much it is hurting our citizens. It does not seem like he has our best interest at heart. If he really wanted to protect citizens of America he would have left obamacare as it is, not increasing the price for his citizens. If he wanted to make something better, he could have created a new healthcare which he believes is better, and allow people to CHOOSE what they want instead of cutting subsides and leaving people to struggle.

Anonymous said...

Many people relied on Obamacare, and cutting subsidies is something that I believe is a reflection of his disregard for the needs of the citizenss. I understand that he is the new President and with that mindset he may want to get rid of previous implements and create his own, but his actions this time by cutting funding is very wrong. In the future I hope he takes into consideration the lives of those in America and provide some assurance for the public.