Friday, January 10, 2014

Sam sex marriage story in Utah UPDATE


Today the Obama administration announced that it will recognize the some 1,300 marriages between that took place in Utah since December 20th and that these married couples will be “eligible for all relevant federal benefits on the same terms as other same sex marriages” (Holder). Eric holder issued a statement confirming these marriages legitimacy at the federal level, but their legitimacy in the state of Utah is still murky, and receiving state benefits is still a battle.

This was an important victory for same sex couples in Utah today, but they still have a lot to go through. In addition, we have another interesting case of federalism. If the federal government recognizes these marriages as legal and eligible for couple’s benefits, should the state be forced to as well? Also at work here is an interesting dynamic between the courts. However, this is extremely detailed and difficult to explain in a concise manner. (For a good summary of what’s going and the background to this case go here:

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