Wednesday, January 8, 2014


New York Times article

Republicans are attempting to gradually shift their focus as a party to include the issue of poverty. In other words, the GOP is trying to gain a reputation as more compassionate and aware of issues involving people from all economic levels.
The NY times article depicts the Republicans as seeking to more or less get credit for trying to tackle the issue of poverty so that they will be more liked by a broader audience. From a Republican politician standpoint, this is a great idea. Already viewed as distant from the poor by the general public, the Republican Party would surely benefit from being thought of as a more "poverty-fighting" type of crowd. Nevertheless, I can't help but feel that poverty is not a Republican issue, nor a Democratic issue. Poverty is nonpartisan, and such attempts to try and attach combating poverty to a specific party is silly and ineffective.
However, it is possible that this article is casting the GOP in an unfavorable light. Perhaps the various antipoverty programs that are being introduced demonstrate an actual desire to improve conditions of the poor and there is no ulterior motive behind said programs at all. What do you think?

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