Tuesday, November 15, 2011

President Obama speaks at Carrier Classic game

You may or may have not heard about the college basketball game last Friday that was played aboard the USS Carl Vinson in honor of the troops on veterans day. An entire outdoor stadium was set up on the ship which is about 1000 feet long and 300 feet wide. President Obama was scheduled to show up to the event and he did. Before the game started president Obama put his great articulate skills to work and gave a small speech before the large crowd at the game. Knowing that president Obama will be soon running for reelection, it was no surprise that he was elaborating on positives he was going to do for the veterans like provide for jobs, and support for them. He also brought up how the ship was, "A factor in bringing down Osama Bin Laden".


Nicholas Lim said...
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Nicholas Lim said...

I liked how a basketball court was set up on the USS Carl Vinson for college basketball players to play on in honor of the fallen veterans. I thought that this was very thoughtful in regards to the veterans and their families. I also thought that it was clever of Obama to bring up how he was going to help veterans and their families in the near future if reelected president. Could this possibly get him more support from veterans around the country?

Sophia Wu said...

I definitely think that Obama showing up and giving the speech at the college basketball game will give him more support from veterans. However as cynical a thought as it may be, I think that his presence at the basketball game was more of a publicity stunt to increase his popularity for reelection rather than to truly honor veterans. Furthermore, not only was he appealing to veterans, but also to the young voters. As stated in another post, the young voters that were a major factor in Obama winning the 2008 election could see this as incentive to get back involved with the campaigning process. By appearing at a college basketball game in honor of veterans, Obama kills two bird with one stone; winning some more support back in the veterans and the youth. However, whether he will actually deliver on his promises or even how much support he will actually garner from this appearance is another question.

Jacob Friedman said...

I agree with Sophia's cynical view of Obama's appearance on the boat. It is painfully obvious that Obama is trying to rally support for his reelection and I believe Obama should be spending more time focusing on the pains ailing our country. Maybe Obama could take a lesson from President Johnson's stance on politics during 1968-69 of the Vietnam war. Johnson understood the difficult problems facing America and vowed to spend all of his time trying to make it right. If Obama seeks to show America that he cares, how about he does his job, instead of socializing. (He's even trying to socialize Health Care...)

Christian Larsen said...
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Christian Larsen said...

Nice pun Jacob. However, I don't think as negatively as Sophia and Jacob of Obama's so called "stunt." I agree more with first comment which thought the game was a nice way to honor the veterans on a day dedicated to remembering what the have done for this nation. As President of the United States and Commander and Chief of our nation's military he felt as every leader would, that he should thank them for everything they do and celebrate them on a day dedicated to them. I would not characterize his appearance on the Carl Vinson as a total social event but more him taking time out of his day to celebrate all the veterans with a great game of college basketball. His motive wasn't entirely to rally support for his reelection. All in all, I have no problem with President Obama giving his little speech aboard the Carl Vinson and this is not what people should be questioning Obama about.

Erik CAbeza said...

i believed it was good that they had a College basketball game on the USS Carl Vinson to show there support for the troops fighting in the war and the veterans that fought in the war. in my point of view President Obama used this moment to get his face out in the media and to get young followers who will be are future voters. Also he was showing his commander and chief leadership abilities by giving a great speech before the game to get the people going. he may be getting more supportes