Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Texting Becoming an Issue

We are teenagers.. and most of us text constantly. I know that I use texting as a basic way of communicating with someone I am not with at the moment. Texting is beginning to become a problem though as,"The phenomenon is beginning to worry physicians and psychologists, who say it is leading to anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation. " There has not been enough time passed yet to conduct experiments linking to health issues, but there are other problems at hand. Teens especially stay up late at night wasting much needed hours of sleep, and text during school despite school codes. This in turn is causing teens to have falling grades and be sleep deprived. Who knows what is going to come of this recent study, but it seems to have created awareness of the issue of over texting.


Nelson Cheung said...
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Nelson Cheung said...

I always found texting to be a great example of irony. We spent decades developing the technology to move from telegram to voice and video communication. Now we're going back to text messaging?!?! Is this some kind of cruel joke? Speaking of comical consequences of texting, I think that texting is contributing to the gradual downfall of the written language. I do confess that I use "lol" or "thx" sometimes, but when the whole message looks like a 2nd grader's vocabulary, it's getting to be rly ridiculous. no srsly.

Well anyways, this is going to be my last two-cent for high school. It was fun, in the sense that it was compulsory education, and I hope it was the same for you guys too.

Brandon said...

I can see how texting can become an issue. As a student myself, I constantly see fellow students using their cell phones in class to text. Coincidentally these students do not have good or passing grades and i believe the cell phones they possess are hindering their capability to learn.