Friday, October 4, 2019

The Science News Cycle

Here's a nugget I picked up at a journalism convention that speaks to the questionable reporting about diet and nutrition (and many other subjects) over the years:


Anonymous said...

With a long cycle that news goes through, It seems to show that big stations dont get it until the issue has been watered down through other research. If big opinion reporters are first to see an issue or situation that is news worthy, then when big news channels pick up the story, it might be slightly changed or configured in a way that the opinionated reporter would want it. Although, opinionated reporters are sparce, you never know when a situation happens that the original report could've been significantly different.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha so true. Does anyone remember...(1) Don't put the cellphone next to your head at night; it will give you cancer! (2) Duck and cover...riggggghhtttt because that's gonna save us all from the nuclear blast. (3) When people thought giving pizza to kids would incentivize them to read...uhh that just creates fat kids who still don't like to read.
Yeah, I could go on and on. Great cartoon, dude! Brings back the good old days.