Monday, November 12, 2018

The Conflict On Florida's Recount

Image result for The florida midterm recount 2018

 The recount is on! After 18 years, Florida is once again the state to hold a close call on the election. Many republicans such as Donald Trump and Gov. Rick Scott are in fury against Florida's midterm recount. They claim the recount by being rigged, and in the end it would favor the Democrats. The Democrats in the other hand claim that a recount is to be made in order to count the ballots that were missed during the election day. Hence forth brings the conflict between both political sides.
 “Any margins under 0.5 percent trigger an automatic recount in the state.”
The Senate Race
 Recently Sen. Bill Nelson joins the League of Women voters for then to call out Gov. Rick Scott to rescue himself from overseeing the Florida midterm recount. Even so they have filed a federal lawsuit that would require Gov. Rick Scott to stay out of the picture during the recount. In one of his recent videos, Nelson indirectly claims that Rick Scott is to be seen as a "dictator" that would torment people's decisions when it came to the midterm election: “[Rick Scott] should remove himself from any role in the recount process so the people can have the confidence in the integrity of the election.”
 On the very same day the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign, and many more, "filed yet another lawsuit in Broward County court seeking to count vote-by-mail ballots that were cast before the deadline, but not received until after the deadline for unspecified problems with mail service."
The Governor Race
Democratic candidate Andrew Gillum has accepted his loss an decided to give an early-morning concession speech the day after the election night. Throughout the speech he has given the public the hope that he will continue fighting for what he believes is right. After hearing the recount being put in action, he then decided to rescind his concession. By this very action, he is telling the public that there is still a chance to come "glorious." Making one of the reasons that many democratic protestors have risen.

The Washington Post
CBS Evening News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A recount, if done properly, does no harm to democracy or the election process, so there's no reason to stand against a recount completely unless you fear that the public did not actually vote you in. A better alternative would be to monitor the recount closely to make sure that no party is cheating or "rigging" the election. I also think that the mail in ballots cast before the election should definitely counted because the voters followed the rules and should not be silenced because of something as minor as a problem with the mail service. It's important that the recount is as accurate as possible and that every vote is counted.