Trump had his first physical examination as President of the United States recently, and the results seem to be relatively normal for both his physical health and mental health. Trump asked the White House Physician, Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, for a short mental health examination last-minute, so Dr. Jackson administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which is a short screening exam. While not extensive, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment mostly clears up any major mental concerns.
Many articles and even books have been published in recent months questioning Trump's mental health, so this mental examination addresses many of these concerns. In addition, people on Twitter often weigh in on their opinion of Trump's mental health, such as when Trump slurred his words during a speech in December (Dr. Jackson concluded that it was due to Trump's medication at the time).
My own opinion is that the debate over Donald Trump's mental health has been exaggerated out of proportion. We should be discussing other issues and allow doctors to clear up these issues rather than making "armchair diagnoses."
Source: New York Times
1. Is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment enough to clear up the doubt over Trump's mental health?
2. Do you think that the debate over Trump's mental health is reasonable or has it been exaggerated?
I agree with Meiling that the Trump mental health debate is quite unnecessary and a waste of resources. Apparently, simply because the president "seemed" to slur his words during a speech, "a dozen specialists conducted several tests including an ultrasound of his carotid arteries"(NYT). I personally think that there was an over-dramatic reaction to Trump's speech, and that many tests was quite unnecessary. I think that some people who are still upset over him becoming president are trying to catch on to the smallest of things that may seem wrong with Trump in order to hopefully oust him from his job. I feel like it is about time that we get over the election and trivialities like this concerning Trump, and rather focus on more important issues like the policies he is enacting.
Like Meiling and Emily, I don’t believe that Trump’s mental health examination was necessary, as there has been little evidence that would truly bring into question Trump’s mental health; the New York Times article in the post points to medicine as the reason for Trump’s slurred words during his speech. To answer the first question, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment is more than enough to ascertain that Trump is mentally fit to serve office, and will hopefully be enough to eliminate any such doubts. In addition, the general assumption that Trump’s unpresidential actions or offensive behavior is a sign of mental illness is troubling to me -- these associations contribute to the wider stigmatization of mental illness in our society, especially when these assumptions are poised as insults to Trump’s character. I agree with Emily that we should focus more on Trump’s policies and actions in office rather than putting forth baseless claims regarding Trump’s mental health.
I think the Montreal Cognitive Assessment is enough to clear any doubts about Trump's mental health and sanity, and while it is certainly important for the president to be mentally sane, I think that the debate over Trump's mental health has been unnecessarily exaggerated by people who do not support him and there are more pressing issues to focus on.
I agree with the above, that the debate over Trump's mental health has been exaggerated and is pretty unnecessary. We should definitely pay more attention to his policies and actions rather than what's going through his head(although that is still important). The Cognitive Assessment should be enough to prove that he is sane but people are probably going to still have something to say about is mental health. Quite frankly, regardless of what the results are or however credible to source is, there would still be people doubting Trump.
This appears to me to be a case of extremist liberals trying to find any way that they can to impeach Trump. This is just another way of poking at Trump to make sure that he is fit for office because he disagrees. I agree with Meiling though that all this focus on Trump is exaggerated and we should be instead focused on foreign policies and domestic issues.
I believe this assessment is enough to prove that Trump is in fine mental state and completely agree with those who are saying that making Trump take the this assessment is unnecessary and a waste of time and resources. Many people still seem to be trying very hard to find any reason to make Trump look bad and kick him out. However, Trump has not been slightly fazed, even with all those calling out his irresponsible words and tweets. Trump does not seem to be stepping down any time soon, and we should instead be more worried about what he is going to accomplish while in office. These kinds of things distract from larger issues, such as what he is actually doing and what policies he is introducing.
I agree with the comments above. Trump's mental health should not be a huge topic in media especially when the public should be worrying about more important things. The test was unnecessary but if that helps the public drop it then it makes sense.
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