Trump has been well known for his infamous tweets about topics ranging from race to the FBI investigation. Recently Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to misleading the FBI in their investigation, which resulted in him being fired from national security adviser. This wouldn't be too suspicious (relative to some of his other actions), but many critics point out the phrase in which Trump essentially stated that he thought Flynn's actions were legal, causing many to think that he was aware of the process. I believe that this conviction could mean more issues for Trump's legal team to deal with. For starters, this conviction could forward the movement towards possible impeachment and certainly furthers the FBI investigation. There are many hints to collusion with Russia and as Flynn is testifying, this could truly be a challenge for Trump to talk his way out of.
I believe that even though Trump may not be convicted, this demonstrates a lack of knowledge of law (or even choosing to ignore law). It also sets a shady precedent (or perpetuates one) that allows the POTUS or cabinet members to conduct rogue foreign policy. Either way I think that increased transparency would be ideal along with a less biased media (both sides) that can ask the tougher questions.
1. What do you think that the indictment means for the Trump administration?
2. What are your opinions on whether Trump knew?
3. How do you think Flynn's testimony would resonate with future (if any) indictments.
4. Finally, what are some steps one might take to have increased transparency in the current administration.
definitely agree with you David in that the White House needs to be more transparent with their actions, because it leaves the American people doubting the happenings and procedures of the Trump administration which leads to backlash. During the dismissal of Comey, there was a lot of suspicions as to whether he was fired because of his investigations on Russia and Trump. Trump tweeting that Flynn shouldn’t have pled guilty reveals obstruction of justice in my opinion. It is destructive that Trump defends his colleagues despite that obvious accusations, which is similar to his protection of Ray Moore, the senatorial candidate for Alabama. I feel like his goal is to try and get a republican in the Senate, and it’s unfair to dismiss one’s crimes for selfish motives. I think the Administration just needs to be more honest, and transparency will follow suit.
Although the investigation hasn't been linked to Trump just yet, I feel like there's very little time before it does. There have already been connections between the Trump administration and WikiLeaks, and his cries of "No collusion!" seem completely far-fetched at this point. However, even if Trump is convicted, it could be extremely difficult to achieve an impeachment with the current Republican majorities in both the House and Senate. We'll see how seats change in the midterms next year.
As we have seen from the election, the Trump administration is near invincible. That man has been bankrupt many times, admitted to sexual harassment, shown clear incompetence and lack of know how, and yet he still moves forward. I doubt an accusation of this kind would dent his reputation. As seen with the republican party's passing of the tax plan, republican leaders are fine with turning a blind eye to shortcomings in favor of immediate successes. At this point I have no clue on how to increase transparency. This administration is no longer opaque, but a maze of mirrors, confusing and baffling.
I agree with Tilman even if it is a sad reality. There is probably nothing that can make this administration fall, its shown to have beaten any obstacle with ease. Saying that I think these indictments are going to do nothing and Trump probably knew everything. There was a time when Trump said something along the lines of being able to shoot someone on the street and people would still support him and I think thats still true sadly. I have no idea what will increase transparency since its hard to believe anyone in the administration.
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