Sunday, February 16, 2014

Serial Killer? Or does she just want Attention

Miranda Barbour, a woman from Pennsylvania claims to have "stopped counting" after killing more than 22 people. The authorities found out about this when she told them that she killed Troy LaFerrara, a man she met through Craigslist, this November. Barbour claims to have joined a Satanic Cult in California, and then moved to Alaska and North Carolina while continuing to kill more people.

Do you believe she actually committed all the murders? Do you think shes BSing all the "Satanic Cult" and "Stopped counting after 22" just for attention?
Article 1 and Picture
Article 2


Nathan Perisic said...

If this is a cry for attention it's a pretty extreme cry to say the least. More and more these days we see people making up fake stories to get their 15 minutes of fame. This is like an extreme version of balloon boy. Whether or not she killed 22 people or more she is going to prison for sure since they caught her for Troy's murder. I'm confused as to why she would admit to such a high number or murders she's practically inciting an injection. She got the attention she wanted though, but at what cost?

Unknown said...

I agree with Nathan, that this is an extreme way to cry out for attention. I think the extremity of this plea shows that she may be suffering from a mental illness among other issues. Does she claim that these murders are a part of the practices of her Satanic Cult?

Anonymous said...

This is just a bad way to call attention to yourself. As I was reading the articles, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at some of her statements because it just sounded too far-fetched and unbelievable. In one of the links it talked about her claim of being pregnant while in the cult and getting an in-house abortion, but then it's refuted when doctors said that there was no sign of an ended pregnancy at all. Many of her statements contradict each other and overall it just becomes so hard to believe. Her husband also said that they "wanted to kill someone together", which in my opinion, is an extremely bizarre thing to do as a couple, which leads me to believe what Finn said, that more than anything, she (and possibly her husband) may be suffering from mental illness. She also shows no sign of remorse whatsoever in what she did, but then says, "I'm telling you because it is time for me to be honest and I feel the need to be honest." I really don't understand what she's trying to achieve here. It's a confusing cry for attention, to say the least. What I'm wondering is where is her "Satanic Cult" in all of this? It's hard to draw any conclusions from this because everything about her statements just leaves you skeptical. A sure thing is that this is more of a cry for help than attention, if anything else.

Unknown said...

Wow this is almost identical to the television show I just began watching. If anyone has seen Dexter season 1 episode 7 then they know what I am talking about. Sometimes individuals will confess to a crimes they have not committed for the attention like others have said. It is sad, and likely she may have not done anything. It's ridiculous and still a crime to fake a confession. Future interviews will help us see if she has a mental illness or not.

Jackie Pei said...

I've also watched season 1 episode 7 of Dexter, Keith. *internet high five*

I forget where it was that I heard/read this, but Americans and people in general seem to have a strange fascination with serial killers. With Criminal Minds, Dexter, Hannibal, The Following, and other criminal investigation shows being popular, we tend to give serial killers and murderers a lot of attention and fame. Perhaps this woman, along with other troubled members of our society, has been influenced by America's TV culture in a more dangerous way than other people. How much of our culture influences us? How much of our culture influenced this woman?