Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guantanamo Bay

As requested...
Starting a few days ago on April 25, some small independent organizations like WikiLeaks began to release information about the prisoners that are being held in Guantanamo Bay. The information released includes classified assesments, interviews and much more. Some details were also released about the prisoners including ages and physical and mental state. The leaks revealed that there is a man of 89 years old and a boy of 14 years at Guantanamo Bay. They also leaked that around 150 people were held there for years without charges, many of which are believed to be innocent.

This also raised the question about the outcome of Gunatanamo Bay. Part of Preident Obama's campaign was the closure of Guantanamo Bay and a couple years later it doesn't seem that it is happening.

Do you think it will ever be closed? What are your thoughts on the information that was leaked? Any other thoughts?


Timothy Chidyausiku said...

It takes an enemy of the US to release sensitive information about covert governmental action in high-security facilities, which contain discrete matters of national security. The United States, and any other sane nation, must ensure that it takes all possible preventative measures to ensure the security of the people. It is often naive people who are outraged by the way in which the US has treated prisoners in its highly guarded facilities. We, as citizens, are unable to understand or take into consideration the reasons for why people are detained in governmental facilities (for terrorists). Moreover, we must understand that even of one of the 150 people detained is a terrorist who could compromise US security, then our task is complete. It could take just one man who slips through our nets who could kill hundreds, thousands, if not millions of innocent civilians. You really have to look at the big picture here, and really think, to maintain my security(personalize it now) a person(people) have to be detained, tortured, maimed, starved, murdered. This is an unfortunate aspect of our security, but is there such as thing as a necessary evil? In this case, the answer should be an unwavering, "Yes."

Joseph Hala'ufia said...

Wait, what did you just say Tim???
From what I am garnering of your comment, you are okay with the torture of other humans? And, if that is the correct reading of your argument, I am astounded. I can whole-heartedly agree with you that maintaining the security of the U.S. and its citizens should be the government's highest-priority, however, does that give us the right to torture and dehumanize already detained terrorist suspects? Just because they could be plottting a horrendous scheme against us and other human beings, does that make them any less human? If anything, I feel as though even the most vindictive and vile of the human race deserve some dignity during their time of detainment. I will concede that I am not God and do not know all the goings on at Guantanamo, nor why anyone in particular is there, but I will not concede that the dehumanization and corruption of other human beings is a horrible travesty and is a sad thing to learn about our country.

Timothy Chidyausiku said...

@Joe (please don't take this ad-hominem) "what did you just say Tim???". d..dd..dii...dddi...did I..i..iii...I just Read my comment. And yes, I did just go there. Thank you for conceding that you "[are] not God," b/c you had me going there for a little... Anyway,

In answer to your questions:
Question:"[Are you(me Tim)] okay with the torture of other humans?"
Answer: Yes. If it protects the security of American citizens.
Question: "[Do we have]the right to torture and dehumanize already detained terrorist suspects?
Answer: Yes.

Anonymous said...

That's terrible! Is that even legal to give out prisoners information like that? Shouldn't it be only for the people who actually need it like the people that work in the prison or judges? It's unnessesary for personal information like mental health issues and how they look and what not to be out in the open for EVERYONE to read. And what on earth is a 14 year old boy doing at a hard core prison? They do have juvenile halls where they lock boys up pretty good and only let them out for an hour a day. That alone would be punishment enough for most people. Why is there even an option that Guantanamo Bay is still open? If people are really, honestly being held there without charges, then WHY are they there. Sometimes people just have no common sence.

Chris Chan said...

I really hope Guantanamo Bay will be closed one day, especially if unjust things like this are happening. I do believe, also, that Obama should live up to his word. If we elected him as president, he should live up to what he says he will do instead of ignoring it and letting this injustice continue further. This also comes to show how much injustice is secretly covered and hidden from the media and such. It's good to see this finally be revealed, but I believe the justice department or something has to step it up. Things like this should not happen and I would suggest that this would be exposed more for people to realize how bad the situation is at Guantanamo Bay so we can shut it down eventually. It is needless and unfair to imprison those who are innocent. What I also wonder is that how are all these innocent people being brought to Guantanamo Bay? Something is definitely fishy about this and I hope that these independent organizations will continue research as to why things like this are happening. There must be change somewhere.

Michael Jin said...

I personally think that releasing private information about prisoners is a violation of their rights. Maybe some of the prisoners have done atrocious things in the past, but I still don't think that gives us a reason to compromise their privacy. However, I am not totally a hundred percent against the release of this information. Most of us know about the controversies that surround the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Human rights violations and mistreatment of inmates are but a few things that come to mind. Maybe the release of this information was not a proper thing to do, but it could bring much needed attention to some things such as the incarceration of those who aren't guilty of any crime. Those who are innocent should not be locked up among those who have actually done wrong. Is Obama's announcement of the closure of Guantanamo Bay a delayed vision or simply a false promise? Only time will tell.

Joseph Hala'ufia said...

Lolz . . . Oh Tim Chidyausiku . . . Don't worry I've been through worse ad-hominem attacks! I guess I'm just too humanistic for this world! And I will agree to disagree on this one.

Angie said...

As much as people may want Guantanamo Bay to be closed, it isn't going to happen just because it is on the President's agenda. This decision affects other branches of the government, especially the CIA, FBI and other national security departments who will no doubt take action the way they see fit.

As for who should be in there, the people have no right to judge. In our eyes they may be a young naive 14 year old boy or an old and frail 89 year old man, but we have no details about their background.

Also, many people have a very negative view towards Guantanamo Bay because they consider it inhumane to torture others. And though I am not sure about my own personal stance on the issue I think people should also look at the statistics. How effective has Guantanamo Bay been in the past in protecting national security and aiding the US in capturing terrorists? Although I do not completely agree with some tactics used, I think people should be less narrow minded about Guantanamo Bay.

Max Liebergesell said...

I think that this only comfirmed our beliefs about Guantanamo Bay. We knew their was some sketchy stuff going on in the facility but now we have evidence. They should let everyone at Guantanamo Bay have a trial and then free the innocent ones and keep the guilty ones locked up at the facility. Since president Obama has not made a move to close the facility, I have no reason to bleieve that anything will be done in the near future.