Monday, November 7, 2022

Midterm Elections See the Most LGBTQ+ Candidates in History


The pride flag flies in front of California’s state Capitol in Sacramento

With midterm elections just around the corner, it’s essential to recognize the notable increase in openly LGBTQ+ candidates running this year. For the first time in history, every state and territory in America has an openly gay candidate running for an elected office position. California has the most LGBTQ+ candidates, 178, while states like Mississippi have one. 

Political science professor Gabriele Magni attributes an increase in candidacy to the recent uptick in anti-LGBTQ legislature such as Florida’s “Parental Right in Education Act” or more commonly the “Don’t Say Gay” law which outlaws teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten to the third grade. This makes both LGBTQ+ youth and teachers feel “othered.” The 82 openly gay candidates running for school board positions versus 43 in the previous cycle suggests the more recent urgency to address anti-LGBTQ+ curriculum being pushed in schools. 

Also, The Human Rights Campaign cites around 300 anti-LGBTQ+ legislatures that have been proposed this year, such as Alabama’s law which criminalizes doctors from giving patients gender-affirming medical treatment. The sheer number and severity to which anti-LGBTQ+ bills are being put forward seemingly encouraged so many LGBTQ+ candidates to run and advocate for the needs of their community in Congress, state and local levels. Magni says that “when we ask LGBTQ candidates why they are running for office, many say that they feel the urgency to run in order to protect LGBTQ rights” 



Ally Gorman said...

By having more LGBTQ+ representation in the government there will be more diversity in the voices being heard and the perspectives being highlighted in future legislation. Additionally, the more diverse the representatives of our government are the more equitable the legislation and proposals being made will be because the more voices represented in our laws provides for more Americans able to feel as if their needs are properly represented and acted upon by their elected officials. Thus, increasing democracy and social discourse which is a definite means to making the country more equitable for all! This is truly an amazing landmark moment in American history.

China Porter said...

This post sheds light on the incredible importance of why LGBTQ+ representation is important within politics. As disheartening as it is to see that human health rights within the LGBTQ+ sector are being skewed as a political topic, it is reassuring to know that there are individuals willing to step up to the plate and speak for a large community. The progression within LGBTQ+ rights have been outstanding and it is incredible to see representatives on every level and now the large government as a whole. For the future of a representative democracy this is a massive step for America.

Sophie Cohen said...

Although the large number of anti-LGBTQ+ legislatures is crushing, it's fantastic to see more candidates who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community running this year. Increasing diversity and representation within the government can have an enormous impact on those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community and might encourage more LGBTQ+ individuals to partake in politics. Hopefully legislatures that will increase accessibility to LGBTQ+ education and support will be implemented, lessening the amount of discrimination towards LGBTQ+ individuals.

Sarah Kaplan said...

I agree with what has been said. I think it is amazing that more LGBTQ+ candidates are running for office because it shows people to not be afraid to speak up for issues that affect them and their loved ones but also for ones that they care about personally. In addition, it also shows that there needs to be more diverse representation in the government to make sure that the people in this nation feel that their concerns and issues are being heard and addressed. It also shows the progress that the country is making in the sense that at the same time that there are a lot of LGBTQ+ people running for office, there are also a lot of LGBTQ+ people currently in office. According to NBC News, in 2020, there were 336 people running, and in 2022, there are at least 1,065 people running for office this year, 678 of them making it to the general election. It also serves as an inspiration for children and adults in the nation so that they can be themselves and be comfortable with it.

Andrew Vattuone said...

Having more LGBTQ+ candidates is a great way to help the LGBTQ+ community through having more diversity and representation within the government. Anti-LGBTQ+ policies certainly need to be addressed, as such policies are greatly hurtful to the mental health of LBGTQ+ individuals, especially students. With more LGBTQ+ government officials, however, these policies have a chance at being reversed, thus helping to protect the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

Lucas Imboden said...

Of course, I have no issue with the uptick in LGBTQ candidates but representation is not necessarily progress. I remember several years ago when Democrats were praising Kyrsten Sinema as a bisexual icon before she turned out to be one of the most conservative Democrats in the Senate. I hope that the anti-LGBTQ legislation receives pushback but how will these candidates vote on corporate tax cuts? The military budget? Policing? Aid to Saudi Arabia and Israel? A more diverse Congress allows Democrats to virtue signal whilst authorizing drone strikes on the Middle East. We imagine that LGBTQ candidates will be more progressive but they often are not because of how inherently right-wing the American government is.

Harshan said...

It would be great to have more LGBTQ+ candidates. This can make a major impact on the LGBTQ+ community. Along with possibly changing the perspectives of people who tend to hate the LGBTQ+ community. California seems to be very welcoming towards LGTBQ+, and in our San Mateo community, we don't see many issues with LGBTQ+. But in a Republican state like Florida, there are many LGBTQ+ that are constantly hated for who they are. The Anti-LGBTQ+ policies have to be addressed, as these are drastically impacting the mental health of the LGBTQ+. Even though having LGBTQ+ government officials is a step in the right direction. There is so much more to go, but hopefully one day everyone can realize that the LGBTQ+ are just human like the rest of us.