Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Conflict between Israel and Palestine has entered Gaza


In Gaza currently, Palestinians are fearing for their life as Israeli troops await on the border launching shells and unleashing ammo all over the city. 

This continuous conflict is one that is dangerous and is the focus of foreign relations currently as it has been an ongoing conflict for some time now.

The conflict arose after on May 6, balloon attacks were launched from Gazza and sett off fires and Itamar Ben-Gvir a far right politician from Israel. Although yes this was the most recent cause, these two countries have been going at each-other for awhile since the early 1920's when Israel claimed for the occupation of many Palestinian countries. 

The reason for this weeks violence in particular having to do with Gaza is the worst since 2014. The spiraling of Palestinian rocket fire and Israeli airstrikes is something that is never wanted to see anywhere in the world.

The continuation of these actions could lead to more serious damage for both countries and long lasting problems. 

The largest effect that this fighting has is now the start for engaging the country of Lebanon as well. Three rockets were shot off from Lebanon into northern Israel's sea but neither country claimed these shots although several militant groups are stationed in Lebanon. 

If other countries continue to get involved or seemingly have some sort of place in this fighting and these shots between Israel and Palestine, it will not be healthy for anyone. The fundamental problem that many have with this is that both sides are struggling with the same problem. The confusion continues as Israelis get attacked in Palestine and Palestinians get attacked in Israel and it is simply NOT WORTH IT.

The most interesting thing is that the war has carried over to the U.S. meaning that people here have begun to pick sides for who they think is in the right and which side is in the wrong.

Thinking Questions:

1. Is it smart for other countries to get involved in this conflict to help draw it to an end? Why or Why not?

2. Why does this violence continue to happen between these countries do you think? Why can't it end for good?

3. Propose a way to solve this conflict that you might see working as if you were a leader as one of the countries. 



Anonymous said...

The Palestine conflict is a very complicated problem. Palestine, having been there first, with the Jewish people occupying the area later, then it becoming a religious problem doesn't help. These important areas that are significant for both Israel and Palestine really can't be split. If anything, a solution could be just to get rid of the important religious rock, or area.

Anonymous said...

In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I side with the Counter-Terrorists. The conflict has received a lot of media attention over the past week, and most of it has been critical of Israel. The media has capitalized on the Israeli settlements that are pushing Palestinians out of their home, to frame Israel in a negative light. However, the media has not widely covered the 1,500+ bombs that Hamas has launched into Israel with intent to kill civilians. The media has emphasized the cruelty of the air strikes that Israel has performed on Gaza. They have not explained that Israeli airstrikes purely target military operations like tunnels, rocket launchers, intelligence gatherings etc. Such targets, which Hamas strategically places in densely populated areas and around pre schools and areas of worship.

I believe such violence continues to happen between the two sides because it is a zero-sum game. Here we see two groups, and one piece of land, and the land doesn't seem big enough for both of them. While Israel his developed into a democratic first world nation that is home to one of the hottest technological hubs, Palestine has failed to achieve any comparable feat and remains a hot spot for terrorist activity perpetrated by Hamas and Hezbollah.

Realistically, a two state solution similar to what there is now would be most ideal. There is no other place for Palestinians to go because allowing them back into Israel is to much of a threat, and other Arab countries are unwilling to open their doors to fellow Arabs. In an ideal world, the the Palestinians stop resorting to violence, and focus their efforts toward building infrastructure in the West Banks and Gaza Strip. Such efforts, if ever achieved, would make Palestine a less desolate place to live, and would ease the hatred and envy that currently fuel violence in Israel and Palestine.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, as much as I agree with the above commenter in that the best solution to the current crisis is to find a two-state solution similar to what already exists, I believe that the only way to get to a two-state solution is through intervention of other countries that support either country in their endeavors, especially with the United States on the Israel side of the conflict. Believe whatever side is in the right as you will, but it can't be ignored that Israel has an unbalanced amount of power over Palestine as the occupier of most of the land in the area, and as the main ally of the U.S. in the Middle East that helps the U.S. keep its hold in the area. The U.S. has already expressed distaste in Israel in relation to the recent conflicts and we can absolutely threaten to withdraw support for Israel to pressure them into stopping the conflict without too much tangible harm to the U.S.

But, ultimately, resolving the conflict between Israel and Palestine should be left up to the people that actually live there. History has shown that other countries getting directly involved in the negotiations has been unsuccessful at best and worsening the situation at worst. As much as it hurts both Israel and Palestine to continue going the way they are, it's just as important that they negotiate on their own.

Shreya Kumar said...

I think getting other countries involve can help put an end to the conflict especially if it was a strong country like the US. With the US support of money and resources, I think that the conflict will be resolve much faster. I think conflicts like this keep happening because that is how the middle eastern countries respond to conflict, rather than trying to talk things through. I o not think it will end for goo because problems like this are always going to happen an people are always going to have violent reactions to things such as bombings. I think the government of both Israel and Palestine needs to come together and work out a truce between the two that benefits both parties and lessen the chances of conflicts like such from happening again.

Anonymous said...

I think this conflict has gone on for long enough. They are tormenting the citizens in both places and too many have lost their lives. In a perfect world I would want the US to go and clean everything up, but that can't just happen. There is a lot of things that would have to go into helping end the fighting. When I say help end it I don't mean air dropping meals to the citizens like the US did during the nicaraguan war. I mean forcefully ending it with our military. This is the fastest and best way I could think of ending the conflict.