Saturday, February 20, 2021

Biden's Letter to Incoming Director of the OSTP Draws Parallels to FDR Regarding the Role of Science in Federal Government

Biden officially has been president for a month now, and this Scientific American article notes a letter he sent to Eric Lander, the incoming science adviser to Biden and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy director. It “emphasizes the crucial role science plays in our society– much as Roosevelt did in a similar missive in 1944.”

In 1944, President Roosevelt wrote to the director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, Vannevar Bush, about how to best apply their knowledge to improve the country. Bush’s response: a strong federal role in science.Both [letters] emphasize the role of science in health. FDR wanted guidance on how to continue the war of “science against disease” that was pursued during WWII. President Biden seeks information on the key “lessons learned” from COVID-19. How can the federal government be better prepared to protect public health during the next pandemic? The Biden letter also includes a complementary focus on the health of the planet: it asks breakthroughs in science and technology that can help address climate change.” 

Some differences, however, are strikingly present compared to the “political and cultural” atmosphere at the time FDR and Bush were prioritizing science. Now there is a decline of trust in government, an influx of misinformation, and a polarized political environment in which science is often viewed “through powerful political lenses.” But Biden has offered a strong start, especially with making the “unprecedented decision to elevate [the OSTP] to Cabinet-level status,” and pledging his dedication to the presence of science in his administration and policies. This year even more than others has proven the need for interconnectedness regarding science and government expertise. It is imperative to health and recovery on a national and global scale that both the Biden administration and individuals participate in legitimizing science. 

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