Monday, November 23, 2020

Trump loses another legal battle yet again...It's getting old

 On Monday, Nov 23rd, the Pennsylvania SC disregarded Trump’s campaign and the desperate multiple lawsuits that would overturn PA’s presidential election. Their attempt to invalidate ballots that were incorrect or incomplete was turned down. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that “mail-in ballots cast in the state’s election can be counted even if a voter failed to completely fill out the envelope”. And you can probably guess that Trump's campaign was not happy with this. In response, the campaign claimed that the ballots that were "incomplete or "incorrect" were disqualifying ballots, and that they should be invalidated from Pennsylvania's ballot count.

Trump's Campaign continues to sought after a court victory in order to reverse or decrease votes for Biden. And despite losing countless times, Trump is determined to overturn the election. Trump has continued to reject the results that are right in front of him, and it's getting quite sad. Even Trump's confidant, Chris Christie, former NJ Gov., has advised Trump to accept what happened and concede. Christie commented on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," saying “They (Trumps campaign) allege fraud outside of the courtroom but when they go inside the courtroom they don’t plead fraud and they don’t argue fraud, you have an obligation to present the evidence, the evidence has not been presented”. It's evident that Trump has no actual case, and its demonstrated in all the legal battles he is losing left and right.      

It's safe to say Trump will continue to reject his losses, and he will continue to file lawsuits over vote counts and the voting process. Though this tantrum is "quite embarrassing" as  President elect Joe Biden says it, Biden reassures that this mishap “does not in any way change the dynamic of what we’re able to do.” And he makes the public aware that this meltdown won't stop the transfer of power for the following year.  

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Anonymous said...

I am disappointed but not surprised by President Trump's response to the election results. However, it is getting quite embarrassing that he is still determined to claim he lost by voter fraud. This is especially since his own confidant Christie has advised him to stop the tantrum and accept the results and move on. Continuing on, him claiming Biden won by invalidate ballots (with no proof of course) ignores that there could be invalidate ballots both ways, not just for Biden. It is clear he is just being a sore loser when he continues to push these lawsuits that always fail. Hopefully President-elect Biden is right, and that Trump's efforts will not change or diminish what our new administration will be able to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that current President Donald Trump has lost the election.
His refusal to accept probably comes from his very inflated and unrealistic ego, he has always had the impression that his supporters were a majority of the country. Ever since the 2016 election when he claimed that the fact that he hadn't won the popular vote was a fraud. He lives in his own fantasy world, that no one other than his fanatic followers can get a shred of evidence to support his absurd claims.
It also comes from the fact that Trump has polarized the country. Expanding the division between followers of the two parties. He has not once talked about having a united country. Everytime a crisis happens he blames it on his opposing party, creating even more rivalry between the two sides. Trump is not a president for the entire country. Only to his supporters. Now again during the election he is seeking division in the country, blaming the other side for his loss and his followers believe it. It will end up sparkling a conflict due to the division in the country that Trump has been building onto for years. Making it harder for the country to heal and put aside its differences for growth. It seems absurd that the biggest disseminator of fake news in the country is the President himself.

Anonymous said...

I find odd that trump is still trying to remove or throw out ballots, even through if the ballets are removed in Pennsylvania he will still loses. Pennsylvania only contains 20 electoral votes which would bring Biden down to 286 if trump somehow finds a valid argument to remove thousands, if not tens of thousands of ballet.the amount of ballots he needs to throw out is incredibly large, thus making it impossible for Trump. It is easy to through a few 100 ballets but the thousands he wants removed. Overall I find it sad that the president of the US cannot admit defeat.

Anonymous said...

I think at this point President Trump's action is merely embarrassing to look at. The results are clear and what he's doing is similar to a young child throwing a temper tantrum after losing a game. Like what Ariel said, I'm not surprised that President Trump won't peacefully concede, but I must say that I didn't expect this to drag out this long. But as things seem to be right now, Trump doesn't show any signs of admitting his defeat. It is quite impressive that Trump is able to persevere into his own fantasies despite his own team acknowledging Biden's results. The price we paid for his presidency is the division of our country and it's now time to bring us all back together. He is dragging on the split, hoping for the polarization to win him some support and somehow turn the election around, but it is clearly not happening

Tiffany Lin said...

At this point, it is clear that even with Trump trying to push for these lawsuits, the numbers are not going to change significantly enough to change the outcome of the election. Numerous experts have stated that voter fraud is rare and even if there is, the scale of the fraud is too small to be significant. Trump's unforgiving attitude and continuous criticism of the integrity of the election is dangerous for future elections. Our democracy can only function when people can trust the outcome of the elections and can trust that their vote counts. It is hard for a large-scale fraud to be carried out through mail-in ballots because the larger the whole fraud becomes, the easier it is to expose it. However, it is actually easier to conduct larger-scale fraud with electronic ballots since it can easily be hidden and can affect a lot of people's ballots. Ultimately, it is quite sad that our country cannot come together peacefully and Trump is part of the reason why our country has become more divided

Anonymous said...

Judging from the amount of unfruitful legal battles that the Trump administration has fought over claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election it is time, in my opinion, for Trump to concede. One of the fundamental duties of President of the United States is learning to concede and hold a peaceful transition of power. It is the only way that the American people can continue to trust and follow the government and ensure that democracy is preserved. What is interesting in this series of lawsuits however is the Trump Organization's ability to organize and rally support from party members in the electorate. Just like how parties can reach the individual to promote interest in a candidate for example, through hotlines and advertisement, the Trump administration has been able to rally thousands of individuals who can offer evidence of voter fraud or who wish to donate to help fund these legal battles. Although these contributions might end in a large waste of time and money it is interesting seeing the connection between political groups and the individual.