Thursday, October 1, 2020

Donald Trump has SARS-CoV-2

That is all. Comment as you wish or wait for a student blogger to opine.

1 comment:

Kayla Li said...

Looking beyond the immediate irony, Trump and Melania's illnesses could cripple our government considering how many people they have come in contact with in the last few days, all unmasked. Multiple people in contact with trump such as his campaign manager, Senator Mike Lee and RNC Ronna McDaniel have tested positive but I'm certain that there are at least a dozen more. Just within the last few hours, Trump has been admitted to Walter Reed Hospital and is expected to take the Regeneron’s polyclonal antibody cocktail which has been utilized to alleviate symptoms. The general public has their own cocktail of uncertainty and uneasiness. While hospitalized, will Trump transfer power to Mike Pence or continue to work? His fight against the pandemic so far has been far from satisfactory so I can't even imagine such circumstances while he is ill. Considering Trump is 74 years old, male, and on the verge of obesity, all high risk factors, could Pence or even Nancy Pelosi be running our country within the next few weeks in the worse case scenario? What about Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation process? Another fear, if Trump is able to recover, or only experiences mild symptoms, could he use his experience to further his agenda that COVID really isn't a big deal? Social media has surely erupted and platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter are censoring comments "wishing the President's death." I think a bit of eye-rolling and a scoff is probably granted, in the words of Joe Biden,"We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family." This post is all over the place but there are so many factors to consider and so many questions to ask. Parting words: wear a mask.