Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Trump Tells Kim Jong Un That Joe Biden Is “Somewhat Better” Than A “Rabid Dog”


On Sunday, November 17th, Trump took to twitter to tell North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that they should not have called former Vice President Joe Biden a “rabid dog”. In Trump’s tweet, he stated: “Joe Biden may be Sleepy and Very Slow, but he is not a ‘rabid dog’. He is actually somewhat better than that, but I am the only one who can get you where you have to be. You should act quickly, get the deal done. See you soon!” This exchange started with the regime claiming Biden’s campaign ad referred to Kim Jong Un as a “tyrant,” then leading to North Korean media saying, “Rabid dogs like Biden can hurt lots of people if they are allowed to run out of control” and that such dogs “must be beaten to death with a stick, before it is too late.” After defending Biden, Trump referred back to the efforts to negotiate an agreement to put a pause on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

As of right now, Trump is facing an impeachment inquiry that started from allegations that he pushed Ukraine into investigating Biden for political purposes. A month go, he also suggested that China should investigate Biden too.

This connects to the president’s duty to meet with foreign powers and communicate with them. It is important for Trump to be meeting with Kim Jong Un, and it is also important for him to maintain a good connection with him, to avoid any attacks from North Korea.

  1. Is Trump trying to present a good image of himself after being caught trying to get foreign countries to investigate Biden?
  2. What is Trump referring to in his tweet when he says, “I am the only one who can get you where you have to be. You should act quickly, get the deal done. See you soon!”?


Anonymous said...

I don't believe that Trump was trying to redeem himself after being caught using foreign influence to investigate Biden. This tweet that Biden is only "somewhat better" than that of a rapid dog is just as degrading and insulting to the former US Vice President. Trump used a backhanded compliment just to further insult Biden more, but do it in a slightly less blatantly disrespecting manner. Already displaying a negative relationship with Biden, Trump used his correspondence to Kim Jong Un to further antagonize Biden publically.

Anonymous said...

Having diplomatic communications between nations over twitter, any social media even, is improper, especially with such a turbulent topic as this. The way I see it, Trump and Un's constant back and forth bickering is as qualified as two dogs barking at each other held back by leashes. With nukes at their paws. Even though I do not condone any of North Korea's ideologies, I do would like to agree that Trump is a "fool of a low IQ" and an "imbecile bereft of elementary quality as a human being," as outlandish as it sounds. Even in his tweet, he is attempting to maintain a position of authority over Un by claiming that he is the only one that Un needs, and that he looks forward to their next meeting. How condescending is that? His comments even apply to other members of Congress that are also involved in foreign negotiations, completely disregarding their input on relations.

Anonymous said...

Personally I believe that presidents should be able to use social media; it’s their right by the First Amendment (though Constitutional interpretation is changing with social media), and social media is fast and informative. However, with an account as controversial as Trump’s, the legality of his actions are questionable.

Last year, Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald said to Trump “exert government control over certain aspects of the @realDonaldTrump account.” Any time now Mr. President.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Trump was just being himself—unfiltered and as Grace mentioned, degrading—when he sent out this tweet. I believe he saw this as an opportunity to boast about his abilities in comparison to his political rival Vice President Biden, even though in attempts to do so he only portrays himself further as someone who is self-centered and disrespectful to other renowned politicians such as Mr. Biden. It is quite possible that Trump was simply playing to his base who seems to enjoy his unfiltered and unprecedented tweets, for a simple tweet regarding his deal making abilities, pressuring foreign powers to be speedy in their actions, is not highly influential diplomacy in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Trump was just being himself—unfiltered and as Grace mentioned, degrading—when he sent out this tweet. I believe he saw this as an opportunity to boast about his abilities in comparison to his political rival Vice President Biden, even though in attempts to do so he only portrays himself further as someone who is self-centered and disrespectful to other renowned politicians such as Mr. Biden. It is quite possible that Trump was simply playing to his base who seems to enjoy his unfiltered and unprecedented tweets, for a simple tweet about his deal making abilities and the need for foreign powers to be quick in their actions is not highly influential diplomacy in my opinion.

Mavi Eyuboglu said...

I'm not sure why Kim Jong Un tweeted this about Biden but I'm assuming Trump's response meant something like this: I'm the only one who can make a difference for you, so stop wasting your time worrying about people that don't matter. That would be my best assumption for what he was trying to say. I think he was implying that himself (Trump) was more important because he could actually help Kim Jong Un and that's why he told him to stop worrying about Biden. Because Biden is supposedly "not going to get him where he needs to be" and therefore not worth worrying over. In addition, I think this was a subtle way that Trump tried to clear his name in regards to Biden. It was very possible for him not to respond to the tweet at all however he gave a response and the response was still a very subtle defense of Biden's.

Anonymous said...

I feel like Trump is trying to set a good image of himself especially when the elections are coming up.It kind of seems like he saw an opportunity to express his opinion on the topic but also make himself look better for the public. Fake or not it is good to see that one presidential candidate can talk positively about another especially since the elections have mostly turned into an insult session.

Anonymous said...

With regards to the first question, I believe that Trump isn’t attempting to present a favorable image of himself following overt coercive action against foreign governments. Rather, I think that Trump is simply doing his moral and patriotic duty of defending an American citizen from a tyrant. Sure Trump may be delusional at times, but that doesn’t mean his brain is completely devoid of the fact that a foreign nation just attacked an American citizen with death threats. As for the second question, I believe that Trump is referring to the fact that America is deeply invested in North Korea’s allies (China in particular is an important trade partner to Kim Jong Un), and will likely use its foreign supremacy to pressure North Korea lest they halt their threats toward America’s safety. China wouldn’t be wise in favoring North Korea over the United States as they are simply more invested in us.

Samantha Hou said...

I mean, I don't think Trump trying to get foreign countries to investigate Biden helped boost his image much considering it did end up being a major factor in why he ended up getting impeached. Trump's defense of Biden was actually real passive-aggressive and insulted Biden a lot, so it's not like he was trying to really defend Biden. It was more that he was trying to boost his own image by defending an American against the demonized North Korean government. I agree with Carlos that Trump's tweet refers to America's relations with North Korea's allies and that it would be smart for North Korea to comply with America as they have a lot of control over the country's relationship with China and their economy.