On Sept 8, 2017 the University of California system sued the Trump administration over decision to end DACA. University President, Janet Napolitano, is a plaintiff in the lawsuit filed against Donald Trump filed in the federal court of San Francisco. Napolitano was a secretary for the homeland security in the Obama administration, as well as helped implement DACA.
Napolitano believes it's important for the University of California system to stand up for their undocumented students and staff members. To her, the Dreamers "represent the best of who we are - hardworking, resilient, and motivated achievers." She believes the dreamers not only benefit the UC schools, but the country as a whole. She also is a strong believer that the removal of DACA is unlawful, and goes against national values.
The lawsuit states that due to the removal of DACA, the university system will lose lots of students and employees. The UC system has about 4,000 DACA students, as well as teachers, health care providers, and researchers. Over fifteen states have sued over Trumps decision.
Napolitano said the lawsuit could pursue the damages for interference with student-teacher relations, as well as interference with investment for students to attend the school.
Thoughts over the University of California suing Trumps decision?
Not to rain on UC's parade, but there is no constitutional precedence for this lawsuit. I am personally in support of DACA, but I think that we need to focus less energy on fighting Donald Trump and more on trying to work with him to at least negotiate some form of settlement that is favorable to DACA recipients. Trump has already voiced a desire to keep DACA members in this country. A lawsuit will not prevail, as any constitutionally based arguments are completely void, because non-citizens are not protected by the constitution when it comes to immigration law. We have to think progressively if we want to achieve any sort of resolution with the DACA debate.
Like Daniel said, I don't think that the lawsuit will actually be able to block the Trump administration's decision to end DACA; however, I don't disapprove of it. I believe the lawsuit will bring attention to the issue and that it shows support for immigrant students at UC's as well as other immigrants. It's imperative to stand up for these children, who are vital members of the community, and I think that these lawsuits definitely show that.
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