I think Obama has taken too much criticism and i think he deserves a break. Anyone who would have been elected President in 2008 would have also had a hard time getting America back into shape after President Bush. Yes, maybe he shouldn't have made some promises that he couldn't keep, but he is trying to do as much as he could. I think it's kind of sad that some of the youth are starting to give up on him and the numbers in favor are dropping in the polls.
There's a link above, What the **** had Obama done? I'm pretty sure this is a negative view of Obama's doings in the White House, making fun, and saying Obama hasn't really accomplished anything.
Sorry for the foul language in the website/link, but i thought it was just interesting.
That website is not a negative view. If you look at it, it is listing things that Obama HAS done. The URL is the sarcastic question; the website provides the answers.
Here are some more:
http://politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/ (incidentally, this is an example of groups evaluating politicians using "report cards")
People are always going to complain about the commander in chief. In truth, most of their accomplishments go unheard, and the media often centers on the broken promises.
I'm pretty sure that said website is in fact a website that is PROMOTING Obama, satirizing all of the criticism that he has received throughout his tenure in office. It seems pretty sarcastic to me.
Also, as we've learned, it's a usual trend that the midterm electorate is older and whiter.
I agree with wanting Obama to stick to his vision. He promised a whole lot of change, and I know it's been hard implementing change, but I did notice that he hasn't take as much charge as I would have liked him to. With that being said, he most certainly deserves a chance, so my views on Obama have not changed by very much-I still think the guy is great!
I think Obama deserves to have some positive credit towards his administration. When he took office, he did get a lot dumped on his plate such as the Iraq War, slumping economy, health care, and much more. It's the youth that are the voice of the future and it's important for Obama to have control of them so he can have support.
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