A woman calls a radio station, saying that her husband may go to a school and start shooting...why are you calling a radio station and not the police. They don't know who the caller or the husband is either but all schools in that Florida area is on lockdown. That would be so scary, not knowing what schools, or who it is. The police captin said that this call was not credible. What makes any kind of threat credible though? If there is a serious threat, espeically since it cound potentionally hurt many lives, it should be credible and taken serious. I am very shocked that the captin of the police force is saying that all schools are safe, but how can you know for sure? You can't. So if i was a parent, i would definitely wand police forces at all of the schools, or where there is a high concentration of kids at because people these days are crazy!
The police should take this threat seriously. This could put many kids in danger especially since the police don't know which school this man is targeting. It could be possible that the police don't find this credible just because the woman called a radio station instead of a police station. Either way, it would be horrible if something did happen just because it could have been prevented.
Okay, I must say that I agree with you on the point that the police need to take this matter seriously. However, let me play devil's advocate for a second. These days, people call the police for pretty odd matters that are not considered emergencies. However, that being said, the police should not say the call is unreliable because what if the woman's husband had actually started shooting, there would have been tragedy. When something as simple as having police forces present could potentially save many lives, and help to contain the problem.
Alright, you guys are being way too harsh on the Florida police. I read the article and a police captain said that although school will be let out normally, there will still be a police presence. I don't know about you guys, but to me that's doing something. And perhaps this random person calling a radio station really isn't a credible source, because they could be lying. But still the police took the initiative to do something about the call to the radio station so at least they're being proactive, and if the captain said that the schools are safe, I think he meant right now they are. And by the way there is always a danger with every little thing no matter how safe you think it may be. SO if an unidentified woman calls a radio station instead of a police station, I think that's a bit of a giveaway that this isn't a serious matter or actually happening. If it really was, she wouldn't tell this story over the radio where it would induce fear and where the cops might not even hear it. And by the way, its good that it did not happen, but no one can say that nothing has been done.I feel like the police are doing all they can do right now because they just cannot physically be everywhere at once. I'm not exactly sure I think that "People these days are pretty crazy," if I may quote The Room, but I will say that it is nonetheless odd that the woman did what she did.
I'm with Emily. Like you said, there are crazy people in the world. The lady who called was clearly one of them. Why she would decide to call a radio station and not the ATF is beyond me. I think we need to stop being so paranoid. And by the way, when I worked in Gavin's office, we got crazy calls ALL the time about people doing "dangerous" things, none of which happened. Furthermore, I've received a couple of death threats in the form of charming anonymous notes (with incorrect grammar, I might add), and I take none of them seriously. And I'm clearly not harmed, and I don't let my life go on hold. And to throw in a shameless plug here to get three points on this post: the media's level of sensationalism in order to sell sell papers and obtain high ratings causes people to freak about things that would have, in the past, been disregarded as crazy-talk. What I think should have happened was a status of higher alert at most. I think overreacting is pointless and does nothing but give students in Florida a free day off. And a day for parents to have mini heart attacks.
But really. If we took every threat seriously, we'd have more things like Y2K, or year 2012, or Jonestown suicides. It's pointless and annoying. Just my two cents. Or maybe three ;)
Oh, sorry misread that. I guess police did not shut the schools down, so I agree with the handling of the situation.
Hey. Even if the call is not "credible" (which is probably true), any reasonable action would err on the safe side, and that is exactly what they are doing. Run the schools in Safe Mode, so to speak (ha ha) and guard what they can to a reasonable extent.
So yes, I agree with Michael and Jason.
It's not often a school receives a threat so serious that it has to go on lockdown. Regardless of how serious the Florida police took the threat, any threat to any educational institution should be taken very seriously. Many lives could be at danger and we all know from the times of Columbine High School and Virgina Tech that no threat should be taken as a joke.
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