Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Supreme Court Appears Unmoved by California's Prison Arguments
The decision is likely to come in a few months in Schwarzenegger vs. Plata but im curious as to what you guys think of this idea. Surely the releasal of rapists and murderers onto the streets can not be helpful, yet what might some other options be for California if given a decision by the Supreme Court?
Applications Are Due
Obama and Republicans Hopeful About a Deal on Bush Tax Cuts
Now I'm just as skeptical as the next person but seeing as this is the first time Republicans have actually considered making serious compromises with the president, im beginging to wonder if this will eventually lead to even greater cooperation. And even though this lame-duck congress will soon be out, it appears as though one last piece of legislation might be passed before the year is over. Do you guys think that this spark of optimism may lead to greater coopertaion between Obama and the incoming Congress or is it merely media hype?
Heres the link to the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpIDNB0eJxg
DADT: Pentagon approves
1 out of 3 Drugged Driving
A Successful One Man Band or An Overreaching Self-Assumed Mandate?
Monday, November 29, 2010

Tiny Little Benjamin Buttons?
Now this may seem like quite a stretch, but I actually believe that this type of technology could eventually be used on humans in the near future. Rather than being a type of anabolic steroid, which merely enhances growth rate, this new telomerase gene is biologically meant to SLOW the decaying process. Is something like this too far-fetched for practical use or will we begin to see many "Curious cases of Benjamin Buttons"?
The C.I.A.'s Drive to Capturing al Qaeda's Leaders
US and South Korea refuse talks with North Korea
High School Hostage Situation in Wisconsin
The WikiLeaks Backlash
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Robots in the military
The military is considering adding more robots to help aid the soldiers on the battlefield. Currently, robots are being used in the military for tasks that may be too dangerous for humans. For example, some may be used for destroying hazardous material, spying on enemy bases from the sky, or defusing bombs. Now companies are working to create machines that may serve as sentries, scouts, or even soldiers! These robots come equipped with machine guns and grenade launcher and are ready to pick a fight. If these robots become employed on the battlefield, the number of casualties would decrease dramatically (for those controlling the robots). These machines have also proven to be mildly cost effective. However, there are some controversies surrounding these robotic commandos. First of all, these machines do not discriminate. The robots will not distinguish the difference between a civilian and a treat. Others believe that, because these machines are cost effective, wars can be started very easily.
What do you think?
Can Facebook and Twitter Predict Elections?
Data Mining: A New Power Metric
Is BipartisanSHIP but a relic of a distant past?
Let's (Re)Move Palin (from the national spotlight)
WikiLeaks is at it again
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Korean Tensions Rise
I think that these over-dramatized events could lead to an all out conflict if left unattended. Tensions have been escalading between North and South Korea ever since March and for once outside influences could help sway the countries away for an all-out conflict. I do believe that the United States shouldn't be the world's police but to avoid any further crises outside "influence" should be present. Do you guys think that U.S presence in the Yellow Sea is overbearing or rather needed for this situation?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Piecing Together Middle Eastern Peace
The Secret Life of Daniel Radcliffe
Obama Pardons Turkeys
Yes. This is real. and it is hilarious.
President Obama today "Pardoned" two turkeys from the "Thanksgiving dinner table." They are to live the rest of their lives in a special presidential enclosure in the Mt. Vernon Estate, former home of George Washington. I find it very funny that these two turkeys are living it up in
If you want a good laugh (and by good laugh I mean Obama talking to a turkey) check out the video here
Happy Thanksgiving!
A Head Start on Black Friday
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
DeLaying the Legislative Process
Attack on South Korea
The attack on
After the incident, President Obama attended an emergency session to discuss his options. It was eventually decided that the aircraft carrier George Washington and a number of supporting ships would be sent into the region to halt further attacks on either nation.
Now the world is waiting to see what will happen next. Will this turn into a bloodshed or will this tension between rival nations eventually die down? Will
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
More sports. Suprised?
Is Kim Jong [il] [Un]safe?
Now, this development has potentially game-changing implications for international relations. As one of the most pressurized regions in the world, the Korean Peninsula certainly does not need heightened tensions, nor do any of the involved parties. Although at a first glance, the Koreas may seem rather small and not all that relevant to global affairs, a closer look is definitely due. Marred by strife, tension, and volatility since the Cold War-era Korean War (think early 1950s), the Koreas are a powder-keg waiting to burst with nuclear arms, delusional leaders, and problematic alliances at every turn. For starters, North Korea has the despotic leadership of the Kims (Jong-Il and Jong-Un), tactical nuclear and chemical arms, and fairly close diplomatic ties with China. The leadership of the Kims is a huge mess in and of itself as power is gradually transferring from the ailing Jong-Il to the younger and more unpredictable Jong-Un. What this means for the international community is yet to be seen as all that is known about Jong-Un is that he is a diabetic, drunkard with a very powerful father, but we have more than enough reason to be concerned as Jong-Un certainly does have to prove his worth to a strongly-led totalitarian administration before he is deemed fit to take over (and this proof very well may come in the form of some military muscle-flexing). On the other side of the line of control, South Korea doesn't have despotic leadership or nuclear arms of its own, but it does have fairly close ties with three major nuclear powers (the US included). As such, the battleground is certainly rife for a major international conflict if proper steps aren't taken to subdue the current tensions.
South Korean security ministers are in an emergency meeting as this post is being composed. Hopefully, this will be an isolated incident, allowing the added Korean tensions to dissipate in the coming weeks. If not, two lives have already been lost, billions are at stake. Do you think that this occurrence is a credible threat to the relative peace on the Korean Peninsula or will it simply amount to just another minor skirmish? Should we be worried about escalation?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Holiday spending could rise, despite economic concerns, poll says
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Leaking Siberian ice raises a tricky climate issue
Read Article:
Ireland swallows bitter pill, asks EU for loan
Saturday, November 20, 2010
What the Tea Party is About

In my opinion, the Tea Party's extremist views will not succeed in winning over a majority of the public in the long term. The ideas seem misguided, unlikely to succeed, and contradictory. The quote about DeMint on Medicare shows that the Tea Party is trying to please people on both sides of the issue, without taking a moderate stance. Another contradiction is that they want to cut taxes, but reduce the deficit; how will that work? Also, I don't think that people want so many government programs to be cut. Finally, I don't think that making leadership more extreme by rooting out moderates is the right way to go. Right now, the Tea Party's extremist, vague rhetoric seems to be working, but I don't believe that this extremism is an effective tactic to achieve success in 2012. What do you guys think about the Tea Party and its goals and leaders?
Republicans Blocking Crucial Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty
Friday, November 19, 2010
King Kong fails to scare Chilean miners
Wrigley Field too short to host football, but will anyway
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Possibly Illiterate Clown Elected to Congress in Brazil

I find it pretty surprising that he won this congressional seat so overwhelmingly. I understand that voters may be disillusioned with the politicians, but I don't think that voting for a possibly illiterate clown is the way to get that point across. This reminds me of how Stephen Colbert was on the ticket in some states in 2008. What do you guys think about this?
House Ethics Violation. Really?
Brutality Sells.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Poetry in the English Curriculum
Facebook May Endanger Troops
Pelosi to be Democratic Minority Leader in House
College Quidditch!

Cam Newton mess
Fed orders new "stress tests" for banks
Palin running for president?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Oh, the Many HORRIBLE Dangers of Our World...
However, it seems that the only bad effects that could occur would either be poisoning in the long term as the lead leaks out or paint flaking off the bags, resulting in the releasing of lead. Obviously, there have not been enough studies to confirm this.
It is definitely ironic that a deed with a good intention such as this could end up harming the environment (through lead leakage in landfills and such). But this story also represents how the many citizens in America are overtly concerned with any threats to their well-being. And mistakes happen all the time, so no one should be expecting a world where everything is harm-free.
Technological Upgrade Coming to the Government
The government, through the communications company Alcatel-Lucent would send out warnings "geographically-targeted", whether it is a "terrorist attack", "natural disaster", a "school or campus emergency", or any other kind of emergency.
While this might be a more efficient way to get out the message, as today is an age of technology in which people are constantly on the go and away from television, I hope that the company would be reliable in sending out only the necessary amount of texting and not use this as an opportunity to exploit the data access. But the Alcatel-Lucent does prove some capability in that it has already tested its system in San Diego and Tampa Bay will all mobile carriers.
Football Field More Important than a Student's Life?
Personally, I just don't understand how a principal of a school can make such a decision; how can she put the conditions of a football field above the safety of a student? And the fact that neither the school nor the district have apologized is completely ridiculous. What do you guys think?
G.O.P Preventing progress again?
Can a Bigger Booze Tax Reduce Disease, Crime?
Are the Miami Heat done for?
I've been reading lately that the "Dream Team" in Miami is falling apart because they are relying too much on D Wade and L James and even they have lower numbers then they had last year. "Because there's such a massive gap between the talent level of LeBron/Wade and everyone else, Miami is leaning heavily on two players to do it all. Big minutes, plus big responsibility, equals lots of tread wear." C Bosh has been falling apart with this Miami team..."Chris Bosh has shrunken from a center to a power forward to a small forward in just a matter of weeks, and at this rate, will soon be able to look Muggsy Bogues in the kneecaps." At the beginning of the season many people believed that they would be the team to beat but now they seam like the team people make fun of and look down on. They are currently in 3rd place in their division and have a lower record then the Warriors (Wow!) and they don't have any all-star players. So I guess money can't buy everything as we saw in the California race, maybe Pat Riley should have learned something from Meg Whitman.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Arizona's Prop 203 Rises in the Aftermath of Prop 19
But some worrisome parts of the proposition include allowing those with the "diseases" to grow the plants on their own, and of course the increased crime around dispensaries.
Of course, just because this proposition passed does not mean that it will necessarily be put into action, as evidenced by the inaction that occured after Arizona voters had passed a similar medical marijuana law in 1996 and 1998.
California court rules illegal immigrants can pay in-state tuition
School Eradicates "F" from Grading System
A much more contentious part of this policy involves teachers allowing absent students to not make up an assignment or test if they believe the students understand the material, involving much subjectivity. And if someone decides to skip class just because, they will most likely be given another chance, which makes it completely unfair for the other student who turned in the work on time.
This topic has been extremely controversial, with some officials backing one side and others backing the other. For those in favor of having temporarily incomplete grades, they argue that it would give students a chance to actually learn what they're supposed to, and that students learning at a slower pace would finally get a chance to catch up. But the negatives seem to outweigh the pros. Without the presence of "F" grades and with the availability of constant make-ups, students will become unconcerned with deadlines, which is completely different from the working world. Realistically, there is not enough money to have teachers stay for extended hours to fulfill these make-ups, at least for public schools. And, there seems to be no real benefit for students who actually turn in work on time in this policy.
Of course, this policy has been applied to only one school, and every school has different demographics. For example, one teacher had a whole half of her english classes have incomplete grades, while the principal counted over 2000 "F" grades out of the 2,200 students.