With the current state of the economy, the sentiments the government would like to hear would be "the country needs us! Let's go out, spend our money, and stimulate the economy!" But humans are inherently selfish (just accept it because I'm not getting into a philosophical debate) and intelligent for the most part, and selfish intelligence would lead us to withdraw our money from the economy and instead stuff it under our mattresses until the economy gets back on its feet.
Similar to how individual families invest in stocks and hold their money in banks, China has made many investments in the United States economy and holds much of their money in our currency. Beijing recently contacted the federal government searching for assurance that its investments would not whither away with our economic state. Hopefully it doesn't come to this, but let's see where rock bottom is.
It happened to Iceland, so let's assume it can happen to the United States as well. The headline in USA Today (knock on wood): United States of America goes bankrupt. Well if the USA goes bankrupt, China will probably follow closely (assuming they haven't already pulled all their investments in the American economy) with how tied up they are with our economy. Look! It's a 2-for-1 deal. Knock out the United States and you can knock out China as well. From there, with arguably the 2 most powerful nations in the world bankrupt, Russia and India would follow with all of Europe, and then we can all return to being nomadic tribes of hunter gatherers. What to take away from this? As bad as it is right now, just be thankful it's not worse.
What's your worst case scenario for the economy? For all you liberals out there, how about Obama's stimulus failing by 2012, leading to Republican candidate Sarah Palin's election to the presidency accompanied by Vice President Bobby Jindal?
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