Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chinese Harassment of U.S. Ships in International Waters

On Sunday there was a situation in international waters 75 miles off the coast of Hainan between the U.S. intelligence ship Impeccable and a few Chinese Vessels. The Impeccable was on a routine surveillance mission and were harassed by Chinese ships. It is reported that Chinese ships swarmed the boat, and upon engagement the U.S. sprayed water from its cannons to force them away. Despite this effort the Chinese boats kept approcaching. The U.S. boat started to leave when the Chinese fleet dropped two logs in the way trapping the Impeccable and forcing them to make an Emergency stop. But, the Chinsese have declared this situation as harmless and not harrasment. President Obama was meeting with a delegate from China at the White House today to dicuss this issue.

I personally think that this incounter with Chinese ships was quite offensive. International waters have strict rules and they are called "International" for a reason. I think the Chinese fleet had taken it to far.

What do you guys think about this issue?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lauren C. Strojny- I think the international waters have always been an issue. There was absolutely no point in the chinese taking action the way they did. They caused attention to be brought to themselves and in turn Americans and well as all other countries are looking at China. Now American ships have the same rights to do the same sort of childish showings.

Either way the Chinese ships were disrespectful and could have taken action into assult and American ships could of opened fire due to viewing the action as an attack.

Overall be careful with harmless actions in international waters.