Scottish Docs: Tax Chocolate, Cure Obesity!
...yeah... right. Personally, I think it wouldn't have worked anyways.
...Thoughts, anyone?
*this seems like a random topic, but to defend myself, it is gov-related as it is passing laws and it is also a bit econ-related as it is a tax, after all*
ihonestly think this is a good idea. people dont need chocolate and just liek there is high tax on cigarettes and alcohal they are like a luxury item. People can control their intake on chocolate because it causes obesity so maybe if we tax more of it it will solve some economic problems along with obesity problems.
Although I understand what Lindsay is getting at, I definitely don't think that chocolate is at the root of the problem. The main cause of obesity in my eyes is eating foods that lack nutritional value and are packed with excess food and sugars. If anything, there should be a food on fast food (although this will probably never happen). Plus, I thought chocolate in small amounts was actually good for your health. I don't know, maybe British people really do eat copious amounts of chocolate, but I doubt that they eat enough to the point where chocolate is such a prevalent part of their diet that it is negatively impacting their health.
PS at aragon there's a slow chocolate club, which is basically a reference to the slow food organization. i'm not sure about the actual sugar and fat content in these products, but i do know that there are a lot of chocolate brands that use cleaner forms of production and sustainable, organic production methods.
I think we should see how this tax affects obesity rates (and also chocolate sales). If sales go down and so does obesity, then good! If sales go down and obesity doesn't, then I guess we spent a little more money on chocolate.
If they are going to tax chocolate, they might as well tax Mcdonalds! People have been enjoying chocolate since the beginning of time. Obesity is not caused by chocolate,it is caused by the uncontrollable and abusive eating habits of mankind.
It's never good to have too much of something.
Eating Chocolate is not unhealthy, but eating it excessively is. Over consumption can cause adult-onset diabetes as well as obesity. Studies have shown that dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, can relieve stress, improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure, and contains essential vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, the sugar in chocolate is actually found to be slightly better than average, so they might as well tax other foods that are high in fat and sugar like fast food.
I dont think the tax will change anything. People will always love chocolate, and when it comes down to eating it, everyone will buy it. I mean unless the price got so high then it would be a different issue. But I dont think this sales tax will do anything. People just have to start eating right in other ways and in their own will they will do it. I dont think the government can do anything to how the way people eat.
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