Thursday, September 26, 2019


I'm really trying to avoid superfluous screen time but yesterday was absolutely bananas and it is time to pay attention. Here are two good sources to put the current scandal into context:
h/t Ms. Sadlon
From my perspective, "it's deja vu all over again" -- Yogi Berra
About a week before I started my professional teaching career in San Jose, then President Bill Clinton testified to a Grand Jury and admitted to the nation that he had regular sexual contact with a former intern named Monica Lewinsky, despite previously stating that he did not have "sexual relations" with her in a public statement and in sworn testimony. A few days into the school year, I got a call from my admin asking if I could host a TV crew later that day doing a story about how this awkward story was being handled in civics classes, so I improvised a rambling recitation about Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon and the constitutional language about 'high crimes and misdemeanors" and the bicameral process and so on. I wish I had a tape of the broadcast, I was on camera for about 5 seconds and my hair was the most out of control bushy it could possibly be, but it was definitely cool to be trusted to represent the school / district / profession in that way before receiving my first paycheck. 

Between the Presidential primaries and the Ukraine scandal, it looks like we are set to have one of those heady years in Gov class. Crazy times. If one of this week's bloggers doesn't write about the impeachment inquiry, you can use this as an open thread until someone does.  
PSHa! Janet posted while I had this window open. The field day has begun! Go comment on her post however.

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