In a Fox News interview on February 24, Trump previously said that he would support raising the age limit for certain firearms. Following the attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, the White House described its plan on Sunday to fulfill the Presidents call for action. Their plan is to set up a new committee, fund programs to train school staff to use fire arms, encourage military veterans and retired police officers to become teachers, and improve background and mental health checks. The White House said the new federal commission for schools will deal with the age limit issue. Although, after chief NRA lobbyist Chris Cox visited the White House to speak with the president and vice-president, he tweeted that neither of them wanted gun control. The NRA also sued the state of Florida after its governor signed Senate Bill 7026, which raised the legal age to buying firearms to 21. The NRA argued that it is against the constitution. Survivors of the Florida shooting have been pressing for a complete ban on assault fire arms to the public.
1. What do you think of the idea of concealed carry for teachers in schools?
2. What would be your proposals for gun control at schools?
3. Do you support raising the age limit to buy firearms?
I think the idea of allowing teachers to carry guns in school is absurd and is more likely to exacerbate these shootings rather than help fix them. I wouldn’t feel comfortable in school if I knew that my teacher had a gun in the classroom since it would be so easy for them to accidentally forget to lock the safe one day, and now a student has access to a gun they wouldn’t have had access to before. I think the best way to stop gun violence is to just ban guns completely; however, I know this is next to impossible in our country right now, so the next best option that actually might have the potential to happen would be to ban assault rifles. Although I think raising the age limit to buy firearms is a step in the right direction, it is not enough to substantially minimize gun violence.
I don't think allowing teachers to carry guns would be a great idea. In fact I think it's a terrible idea. Just yesterday a teacher in Seaside, California, misfired a gun and injured a student. Not only does arming teacher make accidents like this far more likely, but if a shooter does come, and is dealt with before the police arrive, it will look as if the teacher is the shooter.
This is rather extreme and would never pass, but guns should not be allowed in civilian hands, both in school and out of school. Such deadly weaponry that can instantly kill another should be illegal. Regardless of the user's intent, it is still a tool that can be extremely harmful, and accidents do happen.
An age floor to buy guns would be great, preferably set at 100 or so years.
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