Florida state Representative Brad Drake (R) is "tired of being humane." Drake is upset that the execution of Manuel Valle in August took so long. Valle, 61, was sentenced to death 33 years ago for gunning down a police officer. Drake wants the justice system to be more efficient in executions of death row inmates. To do this, Drake has filed a bill in the House of Representatives to allow executions by the electric chair or firing squad in Florida. HB 325 would remove lethal injection as an option for an execution.
Drake's opinion is that electrocution or firing squads would speed up the process of execution so that inmates wouldn't have to wait 33 years like Valle. He has said that he's "sick and tired of this sensitivity movement for criminals," and "In the words of Humphrey Bogart, 'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.' I am so tired of being humane to inhumane people." Many states see that death by electrocution and firing squads are inhumane and thus don't utilize it. Some states like Colorado only allow lethal injection as a method of execution. Currently, California uses lethal injection, but allows lethal gas if the inmate requests.
Drake forgets that death row inmates are still human. Though they may have committed unspeakable and atrocious crimes, they still have some rights. According to the eighth amendment, the government cannot use cruel and unusual punishment on criminal. To me, electrocution and firing squad are both cruel and unusual. In the past people have not died from the first round of electrocution, and firing squads have missed and not killed their targets. Inmates are then left to suffer until the final blow is delivered. I hope that HB 325 never makes it out of committee, because this shouldn't even be considered for a law at all.
First of all, there is no way that this law could be passed and if it does, it will be deemed unconstitutional and subject to void. One of the things that I find very scary is that Representative Brad Drake (R) is an elected official. People actually voted for him to represent them. If people voted for him because of these ideals that he holds, then I think that we have a big problem with the ideals and beliefs that are present in America. I find it ridiculous that Representative Drake feels that we shouldn't be humane to inhumane people because they were not humane when they killed.
The stress of his job seems to have finally gotten to him. However, it is ridiculous how long executions are taking. If there was a way to speed up the injection process maybe that would be a better solution. I do not think that they should bring back "Old Sparky."
Like Dustan, I am a little scared that Drake is supposed to represent the people, but in a way isn't he? He heard the idea mentioned and decided to do something about it, this would save taxpayer dollars and overall, although strange and weird, it is refreshing that there is a politician that is proposing to do what he says.
I agree with Sophia, if there were a way to speed up the injection process, it would be a much better alternative. I never understood how Drake thought that electrocution or firing squad would be any faster than injection!
I agree with all on this particular issue. I especially back Mitchell's pint though. People are still human now matter what they do. We can't stoop to their level just because we are angry. The firing squad and the electric chair have been banned for very good reasons. The electric chair is excruciatingly painful and a firing squad, well, how do we look when we take like ten shooters to take care of one guy? I am myself not for the death penalty at all because I think it would be better for us to make sure that they live a horrible life in which they have to reflect every day that they took the life of another human being, but that is just me. I think being "humane" about death is a good thing frankly and if Representative Drake can get away with pretty much saying we need to be barbaric about the way we kill people, then I think a little bit of me just died. No injections, chairs, or bullets needed.
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