As many may know, famous rap singer Kanye West has decided to take a step away from politics. During the years of his political involvement, he was seen as a "hero" for the Republican Party. He was known for praising president Trump's "dragon energy" and ambition. His decision to leave the political scene left many people wondering about his motive.
On October 30th, Kanye posted a series of tweets that expressed his gratitude for his family and support for veterans, refugees, immigrants, and a change in gun laws. Shortly after, he posted a tweet announcing his decision to leave the political scene.
One might wonder why Kanye expresses feeling as if he was being used to support ideas he did not believe in. Who was using him? Could he be be referring to the president, the media, or the Republican Party in general. It is also interesting when he mentions the idea of spreading messages he did not believe in. Although he did not specify what those ideas were, some ideas he was known to openly support in recent years include: the removal of 13th amendment and on how slavery should be a choice, and the overall participation in a African American conservative group known as Blexit.
Many claims were made on his decision for leaving the political world. Some claimed that he has left due to the "bullying" that he has received for supporting president Trump. Others may claim that it was his decrement of fame and support that he was getting throughout his career.
Before his announcement of exiting his involvement in politics. In an interview with TMZ Host, Harvey Lenin, Lenin was disturbed by the MAGA hat that Kanye West was wearing throughout. Later on, Lenin questions Kanye's support for Donald Trump in which then he responds, "Well first of all is pause I'm American. I support and give my ideas and support and brilliance to whoever ends up in office. That's my stance as an American. I support our president. Bottom line! ... mentioning the hat this represents y'all can't bully me." I personally agree with his statement, as a citizen of this country we must respect the president no matter who they are, but that does not necessarily mean we must agree with them. Kanye has had many interviews with many talk shows hosts in which he explains and gives many reasons on why he stills supports president Donald J Trump.
In my personal opinion, I believe he has left because of all the drama that was being centered around him. Until the point that it had stressed him too much that he had made a decision to put a stop on it.
What are your thoughts on this matter?
What do you believe his reason was behind this decision?
Do you believe he will return or once and for all or leave his publicity on politics ?
Kanye's Interview with Harvey Lenin
It's fairly clear that Kanye's MAGA hat thing was grossly misinterpreted. He has said that if he ran for president, it would be with "Bernie Sanders principles." Meanwhile, conservatives have just taken his whole support as meaning that he supports Trump's policies, but he never said that he does.
As for what everyone says about "respecting the president because he's the president", I have no inclination to respect someone just because they got a title, and I find the reasoning behind doing so faulty.
I think that Kanye first tweeted about politics was his opinion and views about certain topics. He wants to believe in the president and support him since he is the president of the United States, since then, he has posted many of his opinions on topics and have seem to continue to support Trump throughout. As a big celebrity, he has a big audience and tweeting about his political view is completely different compared to someone else with a small following and influence. There would be many backlashes and threats towards him from those who do not support his ideas or Trump. And as a artist/musician, his main career doesn't depend on his political view, so i think his reason for leaving was simply the pressure and that the effects on his influence towards his audience whether it was negative or not.
Ever since Kanye was first introduced to the political scene, his presence was seen as a joke. People reacted with doubt and many memes were created from his various actions and comments. As a popular celebrity, there is no doubt that many of his fans followed in his footsteps and his arguments, but at the same time, a larger population of the country just resorting to making jokes and mocking the celebrities political stances. Overall, I don't think Kanye ever made a huge impact on the political scene and his departure from it won't have a big effect on the political shift either.
I think Kanye’s exit to politics has to do with the the drama he receives. Trump during his presidential career has said many controversial topics leading to many to hate him. Kanye supporting Trump would divert the hate to him as well. Kanye himself had been clinically disagnosed with bipolar disorder as well, but he himself believed it was a misdiagnosis during his interview with Trump. I think his mental health plays a big part in what he tweets/says, especially towards what he supports and believes(such as when he said he would run for president).
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