A single mother of a "happy" and "quiet" new baby boy, Ryan Ferrer, went on her way to work this morning and came home to find out that her 9 month old son was dead.
She had reportedly asked a friend / neighbor, which had been a 17 year old boy, to help her out with babysitting while she went to work and just until the actual babysitter came and took over.
The police had been called and showed up at the apartment, waiting for crime scene investigators to come.
The baby was then taken to the Montefiore hospital, where he was announced dead.
Neighbors had reported that a young man had gotten frustrated with the baby, and punched the baby in the chest, which could explain the trauma injuries, reported by the police, in the torso.
The 17 year old boy is being questioned, while the baby's autopsy scheduled for Wednesday. There is alot more of the story to be covered once the cause of the baby's death is released and also what happened and what will happen with the 17 year old boy who is being questioned.
Neighbors also report that the single mother also has a 15 year old son, who had been at school. She had also had her mother just pass away recently of stomach cancer. Her mother had lived with her and they were very close.
What else do you think happened that the neighbors didn't mention, or that they didn't know about? Could there be a more underlying cause of the death? If the 17 year old boy is eventually found guilty, what do you think will happen to him?
First of all, to have punched a baby in the stomach so hard, that it caused damage to the torso, is really extreme.
This boy, if found guilty, better have a pretty good reason for getting mad and so irrational in front of a baby.
I don't really like the fact that the Mother just asked the neighbor to take care of her baby, I mean- did she even know the boy pretty well?
I hope that this boy is found guilty because hurting and killing a baby at such a young age, is such a terrible crime. He deserves what he gets, once over with the whole trial.
aww this is such a sad story. Its so hard for me to believe that anyone would do such a horrible thing to a baby. Hopefully this isnt what actually happened because who seriously does this to a child. I guess we dont know enough information about the entire story but i wanna know more about what his side of the story is or if the neighbors are right.
I don't think this guy has anything to say that will justify his actions. Killing a baby is definitely wrong...no matter what view or excuse he may use. I mean...what would a baby do to infuriate someone so much that it leads to death. I think it was very risky for the mother to leave her son with a minor. It's hard to say though because we don't know if the mother trusted the 17 year old or just desperately needed someone's help at that time. I know plenty of 17 year olds or younger who babysit, so it's hard to say that the mother was irresponsible. I agree with Miya though, I would like to hear his side of the story.
Perhaps its being looked at the wrong way. I would hate for such a thing to happen, but perhaps the 17 year old was watching the baby, noticed something was wrong, and was performing CPR on the child, but crushed the baby's ribs. This is still a terrible thing, but I'm just saying that it might have been an unfortunate accident.
I feel that the mother might be at fault. Though the 17 year old boy was the one who allegedly physically hit the baby, the mother was the one who left it in his care. Also, as far as I know, the mother only told the boy to watch the baby until the babysitter arrived. well what happened to that babysitter. I don't think the 17 year old boy was aware of the weight of responsibility that was given to him by the mother. It is also possible that he didn't know how easily a baby could die. Shaking a baby forward and backwards lightly is known to be enough to kill a baby. So I feel that the blame cannot be 100 percent put on the boy. The mother should share the responsibility in that she left her baby in someone's care who is not capable nor understands the responsibility of taking care of a baby.
First of all, where is the child's father in this whole conundrum? If the 17-year-old is truly guilty, he should be tried as an adult and, if the State law provides for it, receive the death penalty.
What are you all talking about??? I know the mother and she is a wonderful person. I also know that she knows the 17 years old, very well. She has lived in that apartment complex for 15 years!!! This is NOT her fault!!! and this was no accident! The 17 years old should have known better!!!!
I feel bad for the mother who just lost her newborn son, I dont know what feels like losing your child and i hope that no one or myself would ever feel a emotion like that. I hope that the mother is able to cope with this even though it is hard. for that boy, i feel that he shouldn't be sentence to death but i feel he deserves a punishment that is long and make sure that he understands what he did was wrong.
Margaret- I personally do not know the person nor do I know how well the mother knows the 17 year old person. I don't think you should be outraged by a person who just knows the facts that are presented in an article. I still stand by my statement before where a 17 year old cannot possibly know the massive responsibility given to him by the mother. I don't think he is the only one to blame and the mother has some of the blame as well. This is not a personal attack rather an objective view on the event. It is sad that this happened but it did and my opinion is that I don't think the 17 year old was the only one at fault. And what happened to the babysitter that was suppose to be there??
This is just another example of the lack of support and compassion for mothers in this country. Other countries give mothers a year off maternity leave -paid! They give them services and support when returning to work. Women here are forced to return to work when their baby is just weeks or months old and then employers have no consideration for them. This mother should have been able to call work and say she'd be late to wait for the babysitter but with the lack of compassion and understanding on behalf of employers she was probably scared to do so. My heart breaks for this family.
well this is said because what people fail to realize that two mothers lost thier son that 17 year old is also a child and now his mother will never get to hold her son to second for thoese who want to know what happened to the real babysitter guess what he was the babysitter no one was coming that wasnt her neighbor that was her lover she should have knew better then sleeping with a child and if she knew him so well why would she leave her child with someone that by law is mentally ill if your gunna tell it tell it all... in the end my heart goes out to both familys
i feel that this child (if sane) should be prosecuted to the full extent..anyone who has enough aggression to kill a baby will have no problem doing more. i don't quite get how some people are posting that the mother is at fault...? it's called babysitting, i'm sure she didn't just dump the baby in the boy's hands and take off for the day..perhaps she should have checked into the boy's background a bit more, but if she's living in an apartment in the bronx, and judging by the article, a single mother, then she probably doesn't have the money or time to look into the background of the boy, or hire a professional. either way, the mother never deserved anything like this, and it is sad that an individual could be so psychologically scarred that they are able to harm an infant.
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