So, the Vatican has just recently advocated for "The Simpsons," saying that the Simpson family is devoutly Catholic, and that parents should let their children watch.
This is a supreme example of the church overstepping its bounds. How can the Vatican extend its influence over television shows?
I mean, the fact that Al Jean, the executive producer of the Simpsons has reinforced that the family is clearly NOT Catholic nulls the Vatican's statement in itself. "We've pretty clearly shown that Homer is not Catholic," Jean said. "I really don't think he could go without eating meat on Fridays -- for even an hour."
Furthermore, the Vatican's advocation for the show may have many ill-fated effects on children. Families who are devoutly Catholic may be largely influenced by the church's decision, and may allow their (very) underage children to watch. The show frequently explores topics like marijuana, drugs, sex, guns, homosexuality, and adultery. Which our young children should be exposed to? Yeah... right. Right. I mean... you'd expect these issues to come up in a Sesame Street episode as well. Right? Right? Hell no.
And oh yeah, oh yeah, I know that it's the parents decision in the end to allow their children to view, but hey, the Vatican is advocating for a side when it is clearly out of their bounds. The Vatican has gone too far. Something must be done.
Well people can give out their opinions right? Obviously the Vatican is not ordering the Catholics to watch the show. That would be going too far. Simply giving an opinion for a show is not overstepping its bounds. The church can advocate for a TV show whenever they want, so it's not really a problem of authority.
This is not to say I agree with the Vatican's statement. The Simpsons is quite obviously not a good show for young children to watch. This statement was made most likely out of ignorance and will probably be taken back pretty soon.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, thus the Vatican can put in their two cents. However, that being said, I think the Vatican just went a bit too far. I don't think parents should be telling their kids to watch the show, just because the family has a strong Catholic background. The show's creator is still going to continue to fill the show with material that is not appropriate for young kids. Since, this came out, I now think The Simpson's is going to do a spoof on the Vatican.
~Emily Zelter
The Vatican is trying to score cool points about a show they might not understand -- but I think they understand it better than Ryan.
The Simpsons satirizes virtually everyone, including religious figures (Reverand Lovejoy means well, but offers platitudes and seems to treat his position as a job, not a calling; no child on earth wants to be in the Flanders' family), however, there are many, many episodes in which Marge and Homer have some trouble but end up loyal to each other. There are a lot more family values on The Simpsons than first meet the eye.
I can't think of many episodes of the Simpsons that are inappropriate for kids. OK, one episode ends with a suggestion that Police Chief Wiggum was fixing to smoke dope, Bob Marley reference and all. But Lisa's liberal-leaning values and not being intolerant of gays is hardly cause for alarm. Actually, Smithers and (possibly?) Milhouse are interesting combination of stereotypes and attributes that make them seem, well, human. (Milhouse is more like a victim of homophobic perceptions, like Justin Bieber in a previous thread).
I have been a fan of the Simpsons since before you were born! Wow.
IMHO, if the Vatican has ever gone "too far" it was in going too far to cover up sexual manipulation of minors.
I will have to agree with Ryan and just have to put it out there how the Vatican consists of manipulative, extorting, morally depraved people whose main goal is to corrupt the minds of innocent little children by forcing them to watch the most perverted and inappropriate show, the Simpsons. Right? Right? HELL NO! Firstly, most parents already expose their children to PG and PG-13 movies before age 10. Just because the Vatican decides that they support the Simpsons does not mean that they are corrupt, just as the Church of Scientology's support of Hollywood doesn't make them dirt sucking rats. Although The Simpsons show does have a lot of questionable content, children are exposed to equally "terrible" show, which if one could easily find before making grossly exaggerated and baseless assertions.
Oh no, organized religion making ridiculous claims. Who woulda thunk it?
First of all...Homer Simpson is NOT Catholic...I think they are Protestant of some sort and second of all...I don't think the Vatican is telling people to watch it since it has a "Catholic - connection" (even though it doesn't) But that's just my opinion. Television and relgion shouldn't come into contact but it doesn't mean that Religious figures can't talk about television shows though!
I'm a devouted Catholic and I do not think that the Vatican should even get involved in television controversies. Isn't it enough that the Vatican is badly view by others because of things that priests have done?
I've been watching The Simpsons since I was a little girl but I never really understood what the show was about; I just watched it cause I wanted to watch cartoons. I agree with Alex in the sense that religion and television should NOT come into contact... EVER!!!!
hahaha Amen Mr. Silton! Pardon the pun...
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