Monday, April 26, 2010
Should Parents let Teens Drink?
Some parents are more leniant than others when it comes to under age drinking, as long as its in moderation and there is no drunk driving. They argue that it would be hypocritical to forbid thier children, when they drunk in high school as well.
However, those who have lost children who they thought were being safe now wish their message had been different.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
11 alleged pirates arrive in U.S. for prosecution
On Friday, 11 suspected pirates arrived in the U.S to face criminal charges prosecution for attacks on U.S Navy ships near Somalia. The U.S flew the suspected pirates from East Asia to Norfolk, Virginia to face the prosecution in the federal courts.
So far, there has been 11 pirates that are charged with piracy under the laws of the nations, for "attack to plunder a vessel, assault with a dangerous weapon in the special maritime jurisdiction, conspiracy to use firearms during a crime of violence, and use of a firearm during a crime of violence, according to court filings."
The pirates have been indicted on a series of charges and the suspects are expected to appear before "federal magistrate in Norfolk on Friday."
What do you guys think about piracy? What do you think are appropriate punishments for piracy?
3 children among tornado victims
On Sunday in Yazoo City, Mississippi, three children of the victims of a tornado were tore through central Mississippi. Two sisters of age 9 and 14 were killed inside a mobile home and separately, a 3 month old baby died from the twister. The tornado was almost a mile wide and it sadly killed at least 10 people and destroyed neighborhoods and families.
"The hardest-hit counties were Yazoo and Choctaw, Mississippi, where assessment and rescue crews continued operations Sunday."
"Outside of those two counties, authorities had recorded at least 188 homes destroyed and 33 injuries, according to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)."
After the mass devastation, nearly 80 Mississippi National Guard troops including the 50 military police had been deployed to Choctaw and Yazoo counties.
"'You could just feel the glass and debris flying in and cutting you, said Stacy Walker, who took cover in a hair salon in Yazoo City where she worked. "It felt like minutes and minutes but I'm sure it was just seconds the time that it lasted.'"
What other ways do you think the government should provide to the victims of the tornado in order to help them back on track?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
China replaces party boss in region hit by unrest
Months after the ethnic riots that killed nearly 200 people, China replaced the unpopular Communist Party boss for a far-western region. There has been no media reports for the immediate removal of Wang Lequan, 65, who served as the party boss in Xiajiang since 1995.
Wang Lequan was in charge last July when there were bloody street riots in the regional capital of Urumqi against the ethnic majority Han Chinese. During that time, almost 200 people were killed who were mostly Han, and that was the country's worst communal violence in decades.
"'China must make fundamental changes in the way of ruling through suppression in Xinjiang and respect the political demands of the Uighur people,' said Raxit, spokesman for the Germany-based World Uyghur Congress."
After even more riots and unrest in September, thousands of people marched through the streets of Urumqi for the resignation of Wang and other local leaders.
Yemen cleric: fight draft law banning child brides
On Saturday, Yemen's most influential Islamic cleric vowed to gather millions of signatures to protest a draft law banning child brides. This is due to "an increasingly vocal showdown against the country's weak government which needs the support of powerful religious leaders to hold onto power." This issue has brought international attention because recently an 13-year old girl was bled to death because her 23-year old husband tied her down and forced her to have sex with him.
"The cleric, Sheik Adbul-Majid al-Zindani, said a ban on child brides 'threatens our culture and society and spreads immorality.' Al-Zindani is Yemen's most powerful Islamic scholar and believed by the U.S. to be a spiritual mentor of Osama Bin Laden."
Al-Zindani calls against the ban of child brides wants to raise the marriage age to 17. "The practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen, where a quarter of all females marry before they turn 15, according to a 2009 report by the country's Ministry of Social Affairs."
It is expected that the government will raise the marriage age to deflect the international pressure, but that the government will not enforce legislation. How do you guys feel about this change and do you think that child brides will still continue after changes in law?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Chilean priest allegedly abused 5 young men
On Thursday, a Chilean prosecutor announced a criminal investigation that an extremely retired priest accused of sexually abusing five young men in his residence.
The allegations were just confirmed this week by the archbishop of Santiago as Chile's Roman Catholic leadership appealed publicly for forgiveness for abusing 20 clergy members; five of all of the clergy members were convicted and 15 others are under investigation.
Karadima, who is now 80 years old, is the accused man of sexually abusing people in this residence. However, he is still respected within Chile's church.
The conclusion is that Attorney Juan Pablo Hermosilla says that the men did not want to bring charges against the priest. "'He was their spiritual guide, the one they confessed to, and for this reason he has a very strong power over them,' Hermosilla said."
I think that the priest should still receive punishment for his wrongdoings. What do you guys think?
Lawsuit demands Vatican name priests accused of sex abuse
On Thursday, an Illinois man sues the Vatican and Pope Benedict XVI for covering up sexual abuse by a priest at a Catholic school in Wisconsin. The victim, who is now an adult says that he was molested by Catholic priests that according to the suit it states to have "'credible allegations of sexual misconduct'" against them.
"'The defendant, [the] Holy See, has known about the widespread problem of childhood sexual abuse committed by its clergy for centuries, but has covered up that abuse and thereby perpetuated the abuse,' the suit says."
"'There are a number of priests, brothers, and agents who defendant continued in ministry after defendant knew or suspected that those agents had molested children,' the suit says."
What do you guys think about this situation when people suspect the Vactican and Pope to cover up sexual abuse done by other priests?
I thought this was an interesting reversal of events. What do you guys think about this situtation? Should the league be able to discriminate who plays in the league? Or is this a violation of freedom of association? And would allowing heterosexuals to play be against the spirit of the league?
Pedal power is fueling green awareness
A regular 30 minute workout creates about 50 watts. 50 watts is enough electricity to run a laptop for one hour or a phone charger for six full charges or one energy-efficient light bulb for 2.5 hours.
The human and solar power at the gym generated 36 percent of its electricity, which saves about 37,000 kilowatt-hours in 2009. The average annual electricity consumption for a US residential utility customer is about 11,000 kilowatt-hours. This idea is not that popular right now however will develop in the next few years.
I think this is such a great idea, even though it won't solve all the global warming problems it will somewhat help. Having the idea not be that big is not a great problem. Hybrids, when they first came out was not big at all. You could only see a few people on the streets with them. However now you see Prius hybrids everywhere.
Greece's budget deficit worse than first thought
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Senate panel approves Wall Street Reform Bill
Oil rig explodes off La.; 11 missing, 17 hurt
The Coast Guard by sea and air is continuing to search for 11 workers missing since a thunderous explosion caused an oil drilling platform that continues to burn today. There has been more than a day since it caused a fireball into the night sky and so far 17 people are injured.
Luckily, nearly 100 other workers made it aboard on a supply boat and they were expected to arrive safely by shore by later today. The explosion Tuesday night near the Deepwater Horizon 50 miles off the Louisiana coast p;roved to be one of the nation's deadliest offshore drilling accidents since of the past half-century.
Sadly, "Authorities could not say when the flames might die out on the 400-by-250-foot rig, which is roughly twice the size of a football field, according the website of rig owner Transocean Ltd. A column of boiling black smoke rose hundreds of feet over the Gulf of Mexico as fireboats shot streams of water at the blaze."
So far, a total of 126 workers were about the rig when the whole explosion occurred. The Coast Guard also said that 17 were taken by air and sea to the hospital, four were reported in deadly conditions, and others suffered "burns, broken legs, and smoke inhalation."
How do you think the government should further the aid to help these injured people? Should there be money given to the families of workers who have suffered from this tragic event?
Obama seeks court nominee who backs women's rights
Obama says that he will be selecting a nominee who cares about the rights of women and the privacy of their bodies. But, he also stated that he won't enforce "any abortion rights 'litmus tests.'" Obama says that it is important to him that the decisions he's making on the court choice takes women's rights into account in the Constitution.
Obama rejects the idea of "litmus tests" is due to the standard presidential language, and is keeping him from being held in and is protecting his eventual nominee from charges of bringing preconceived decisions to the bench. Obama is currently considering 10 people including federal appeals court Judge Ann Williams of Chicago.
"When asked if he could nominate someone who did not support a woman's right to choose, Obama said: 'I am somebody who believes that women should have the ability to make often very difficult decisions about their own bodies and issues of reproduction.'"
Obama says that he would not judge candidates on a single-issue abortion test. "'But I will say that I want somebody who is going to be interpreting our Constitution in a way that takes into account individual rights, and that includes women's rights,' Obama said. 'And that's going to be something that's very important to me, because I think part of what our core constitutional values promote is the notion that individuals are protected in their privacy and their bodily integrity. And women are not exempt from that.'"
What do you guys think about Obama's ideas and how he's going to make his decision? Do you think Obama's ultimate decision will be supported by the majority of people?
Palin will most likely pursue 2012
This was a rare moment because it was one of the few times that Palin has openly talked about running for 2012. Only one another time in February did she mention to Fox News that it would be "absurd" to not consider running for the presidency. She also has explained that it has been an "exciting and full ride" since the election in 2008.
I do not know if I should be surprised with this story mostly because it is obvious that Palin loves the spotlight. But does she really believe she would be able to acquire the many votes needed to become the president? Even though we are still two and a half years away from 2012, it still sparks a question of whether there are many Republican front runners. I currently have not seen very many. The only that I can think of at the top of my head is Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Mark Sanford.
Well what do you guys think? Do you think for Palin this is mostly just a publicity stunt? I for sure believe that she will run and appear to take it seriously, but can she honestly think she will win? Even more, waste that much money? The fact that she even said that basically being president would help people with everyday issues, seems so juvenile and so simple. Obviously presidents and candidates want to help the people with everyday challenges, what else do you have to say? Maybe it is way too early to be talking about this, but Palin seems to be full charge ahead on this issue which is kind of scary...
New $100 bill unveiled to thwart high-tech counterfeits

The new bill will go into circulation later this year and they are also coming out with new $5 bills.
I think this is a good idea to decrease counterfeiter. However I believe later in the future, someone will still find their way to make copies if they really wanted to.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
4/20 Marijuana Rallies Fire Up Across West Coast
In New Hampshire, about 100 people rallied Tuesday in the state capital of COncord on the eve of a senate vote to decriminalize small amounts of pot. Some people within the 100 lit up joints as state troopers watched from the inside of the statehouse. Gov. John Lynch said he would veto the bill if it reaches to him.
Marijuana use, medically and recreationally, is getting more attention these days with voters in California and possibly three other states set to decide in November whether to legalize adult use of the drug. South Dakota voters will consider in the fall whether to join California and the 13 other states that allow medical cannabis use.
A new cultivation equipment emporium in Oakland named iGrow decided to sponsor a 420 festival. Several hundred revelers lined up waiting for the chance to trumpet marijuana's rising commercial clout. At this event, they had booths stocked with pipe shaped lollipops and specialty fertilizers, and a raffle for an over sized joint and toured a 53 foot-long portable grow room with a starting price of $60,000.
I believe either way if marijuana isn't passed, marijuana users would still be able to access it and it wont stop users from using it. What do you guys think?
Threat of new, larger Icelandic eruption looms
Uh oh. It appears that Katla is due to erupt any time soon, just like how the Bay Area is due for an earthquake any time soon. Seeing how much the original Icelandic volcano eruption has affected everyone, imagine Katla erupting which would be 10 times more devastating. This goes to show you how much the world depends on air travel and how difficult it is when flights are cancelled due to ash.
Black or biracial? Census forces a choice for some
I agree with what Tony Spearman has to say. "It's what's inside that counts." Overall I thought this article was interesting. Prior to this, I never knew that most people don't choose to check more than one box when it comes to ethnicity. I guess there is actually a thinking process when it comes to filling out your ethnicity. Whenever I fill anything that asks for my ethnicity, I just check the box for "Asian" or "Chinese" without hesitation. It would be interesting if I were biracial and to see whether or not I would choose both ethnicities or just one. I can't even imagine what kind of questions would pop in to my head as I try to decide what boxes to check. Kind of makes you wonder.
Heavy Alternative Music Comes Back to Morocco
But once the guys were arrested, an outpour of support occurred. There was tons of publicity, where stadiums were filled trying to bring back the alternative music.
Things have changed a lot though and for the better. Currently, the Tremplin Festival is back and running stronger than ever. Tons of new bands have formed and are now playing around the city. The trial that occurred seven years ago in itself allowed there to be an acceptance of alternative culture in the Moroccan society.
I think it is awesome how a very traditionalist and strict society with core Islamic values was able to allow for this festival to come back. It shows that they are slowly opening up their arms to different ideas and cultures and are not allowing ignorant assumptions to take the best of the music.
link :
Coca-Cola's 1st Quarter Profit Climbs 19%
Due to the booming markets such as in India and Brazil, the billions that Coca-Cola is investing overseas paid off in the first quarter as the world's largest soft drink maker reported. The overall case volume rose 3 percent because the international case volume is growing faster at 5 percent.
"One way for Coca-Cola Co. to sell even more overseas is to add more plants and also the branded coolers that get products in front of potential consumers. CEO Muhtar Kent said the billions the company has spent in countries like China, Brazil, and India is paying off."
In emerging markets like in India, in the first quarter the company decided to add 65,000 of its coolers in Indian retail locations and nearly 3,000 employees to sell the products. This caused India's unit volume to grow 29 percent; Turkey's grew 18 percent.
The article also states that "consumers in
What do you guys think about this already booming industry overseas? How is this going to effect the people living in other countries compared to people living here in the U.S?
Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor
Hotels in Bangkok Send Tourists Packing
Recently, Thailand has been having political crisis which have been scaring away tourists for weeks. However, today some of the capital's finest hotels sent guests packing for fear of violence.
"The Grand Hyatt and InterContinental hotels in Bangkok told guests they would have to leave, while The Four Seasons remained open but closed all four of its restaurants and saw its cavernous lobby empty except for a few wilted orchids."
The dangers are due to the "Red Shirt" protesters who reinforced defenses at their urban encampment and prepare homemade weapons that included hundred of sharpened bamboo poles.
"'The situation is very tense. We are relocating guests to other hotels for their safety,' said Patty Lerdwittayaskul, a spokeswoman at the 380-room Grand Hyatt Erawan, which announced its closure until at least Saturday."
Do you guys think that other governments or countries should step in to prevent the tourists from receiving danger from the political crisis in Bangkok?
Man-3, Robot-0
Although this may initially seem overly lighthearted, man vs. machine has been a serious competition since the legend of John Henry. Although John Henry prevailed against the steam-powered drilling machine, most recently, humans have been losing this competition. In 1997, Deep Blue, a chess-playing supercomputer from IBM, beat the world champion at the time, Garry Kasparov. And in 2001, IBM researchers determined that robotic commodoties traders made more money than humans in a test. And most recently, the game of checkers was "solved", meaning that there is now a computer that is impossible to beat. No, not just computer-chess-impossible; it will actually beat a human every time. More and more, computers and robots are playing a huge role in our lives. Beyond board games and the like, computers and AI controlled robots are necessary for almost any industry. I think people remember in "Roger and Me" when that show at Autoworld had a factory worker singing "Me and My Buddy" to his robotic replacement.
In fact, humans themselves may be largely machine in the not so distant future. There is a movement in the science community that believes that there will be a "singularity" (named after the superdense center of a black hole) in the near future where, "we will transcend current intellectual and biological limitations and initiate an intelligence and information explosion beyond imagining."
The above quote comes from the Singularity Hub, a website founded by Mr. Kleiner of Aragon (and Google) fame. The Hub describes itself as "a blog and news network covering the latest in robots, genetics, longevity, artificial intelligence, aging, stem cells, and more."
I would recommend that you all check it out. It's really impressive what we are actually capable of. Eat your heart out, iPad.
School Bullying Prevention: Teach Empathy at Young Age
I think this is a great idea to teach children how to empathize. The more they are exposed to it, the better they will be able to stand in someone's shoes and see what it's like. If more and more people are empathetic, perhaps there will be less people who are bullied. Phoebe Prince's tragic death certainly shows us how much bullying can affect someone.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Microsoft's Skinput turns hands, arms into buttons
I think the idea of this is very cool, however personally i do not think it will be that convenient. Many movements made in everyday life could be mixed in with the Skinput. People that uses it will take awhile to adjust to it, and lets just hope they don't look stupid using it.
Strict Immigration Bill Passes in Arizona
The measure would require immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times. It also requires police to question people if there's reason to suspect they're undocumented and targets those who hire illegal immigrant day laborers or knowingly transport them.
But many critics fear the racial profiling that will inevitably come along with this new bill. It was greatly supported by Senator John McCain and heavily influenced by the Republican Senator Russel Pierce who wrote the law. It has presented a huge debate on whether this will cause other states to join in with a similar legislation simply because the U.S has put this issue on the backburner.
If you read the articles I have here, it explains more in depth what this bill does, and personally it can be really intimidating and daunting the type of scrutiny and severity this bill has upon immigration. I believe that this is just going to ostracize immigrants even more and I feel that this will have a deep backlash causing there to be a major increase in racial tensions. I definitely do not think this is the proper route to be handling this situation What do you guys think?
Pa. district took 56,000 images on student laptops
Having a tracking program on each individual's laptop provides students with no privacy at all. No only do the student himself feel insecure, but also the people that he is associating with over instant messaging/video chat. I find it outrageous that a school district would do such thing, and i dont really think this is much different from spying on your own students in the gym locker rooms. Are there any positive sides of this "tracking program"?!
Airline makes passengers pay for carryon luggage
But yesterday, a report from the democratic senator Charles E. Schumer explains that five airlines will not allow the same fee to occur in their flights. The airlines are american airlines, U.S airways, united airlines, delta airlines and jet blue airways.
Thankfully these five major airlines did not allow one airline to pressure them into copping out some more fees for passengers to pay. In general, I believe this fee for carry on luggages is completely ridiculous and I feel that it is a cheap way to make some money. Especially the fact that the luggage would be considered free if you can fit it under your seat. Are you serious? Will there be any room for your feet? How would storing it under your feet be any different then storing it in a storage compartment? What if some one trips over the bag supposedly under the seat? I am really glad that the biggest and most popular airlines did not buy these lame tactics, and I am guessing that there is a reason why no one has really ever heard of Spirit Airlines, and will continue not to know about it.
10-year-old's pregnancy fuels Mexican abortion debate
Air Travel Despite Volcano in Europe
From the beginning of today, the clouds began to emerge from Europe which allowed limited air traffic and thus gave hopes to millions of travelers stuck around the world. However, the eruption from the Icelandic volcano was said to be strengthening and improving and sending more ash towards Britain, which is making it very unlikely that the London airports will be reopened back on Tuesday.
"Starting Tuesday morning, 'we should see progressively more planes start to fly,' said EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas."
Ever since the volcanic explosion, Europe's aviation industry has faced more than $1 billion losses.
The visual flight rules states that a pilot is allowed "to fly without reference to instruments, if weather conditions are good enough so the pilot can see landmarks and avoid any other aircraft. Those flights need to be under 18,000 feet, lower than usual altitude for commercial traffic."
What do you guys think about allowing limited air traffic to resume in Europe even though there will be more ash heading towards Britain?
Addicted to Tanning Beds???
There has been a recent study done by Catherine Mosher and Sharon Danoff-Burg to students at a northeastern university to experiment if whether people who lie in tanning beds too much have addictive behavior or not. The two researchers asked 229 students about alcohol and substance abuse behaviors; all of the students said that they have used indoor tanning beds in the previous year. Just under 22 percent of the study participants met the criteria for addiction. These people who met the criteria for addiction had indeed used tanning facilities more frequently in the previous years than those who are were not addicted.
The articles claims, "This is not the first study suggesting that tanning - whether outdoors or on tanning beds -- can be addicting. Others have found that as many as half young adults and beachgoers meet some criteria for a 'substance-related disorder' when it comes to tanning. Previous research has also linked tanning and cigarette smoking."
Mosher says, "From a public health perspective, the findings suggest that there may be a subgroup of individuals who are addicted to indoor tanning and have an underlying mood disturbance."
Of course, John Overstreet, a spokesperson for the Indoor Tanning Association rejects the idea that people who excessivly tan have an addiction. "According to the Association, 30 million people in the United States use indoor tanning facilities, making it a $5 billion industry."
What do you guys think about indoor tanning? Do you think that people will stop tanning if studies do confirm that indoor tanning is linked to addictive behavior and mood disorders?
Shooting at Tennessee Hospital; gunman kills 1 and self
There seems to be a recent increase in shooting deaths, recently. With the Fort Hood shootings only a few months in the past and several shootings around schools in the East Bay, especially Richmond, if I remember correctly. I hope this isn't a trend and more of a symptom of heightened access to the news. Either way, it's tragic.
America's costliest condo
If there was a more expensive condo, I would like to know. This condo comes at an expensive cost, but I am sure there are buyers, such as CEOs. For CEOs who work in Manhattan, I think it would be worth the price to buy this condo because it is in the heart of the financial center, and it may be relatively close to their office. However, others might think at such a price in this economy, would it be really worth the price?
Oklahoma City marks 15 years since bombing
I can't even imagine what kind of day this might have been for the victims and families of the Oklahoma City bombing. Most of us were only 3 years old when this happened, but because of 9/11 we have a sense of what this act of terrorism was like for America. Like Napolitano said, the anniversary is a reminder to be aware of what is going on and how to recognize signs before it's too late. Like 9/11, America has learned from its mistakes and that is why security has become so tight at airports. Oklahoma City was one of the most deadliest attacks on American soil. It is tragic to see how many lives were greatly affected by this.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
White Supremacist Rally in L.A
They were responded by huge amounts of counter protest groups which included a wide variety of African American, Jewish, Latino, immigrants-rights and anarchist groups. The counter protest groups ended up being 10 to 1 to the supremacists, basically overwhelming the supremacist's group of only 40.
But ironically, it was the counter protest groups that ended up being in trouble. Dozens of protesters punched and kicked the supremacists, throwing rocks and bottles not only at the supremacists but also at the neighboring police. A few members of the protesters were arrested due to the violence.
I still cannot understand how this country allows for groups such as these to continue to rally. I understand that it is a part of freedom of speech to access a permit and to rally, but a neo nazi group, really? If there is a high chance that a group that professes racist ideals will rally and bring about an out-pour of violence, then why allow such a rally? It is even scarier that this occurred in one of the most popular cities of the U.S.
Polish President Laid to Rest
President Obama and other world leaders such as Prince Charles, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel also had to miss the funeral due to the volcanic ash.
I find it crazy that many relatives were not able to attend the funeral of their loved ones. I know that it is extremely difficult to postpone a funeral, but it is also extremely depressing that the relatives of those who also died in the plane crash were not able to bid their final goodbyes.
It is also crazy how an occurence in Iceland could possibly be affecting people all over the world. Its a little bizarre how even the president of the united states with the best technology cannot fly over to Europe. Experts were not messing around when they said that they believe it is unsafe to fly in these conditions.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Military docs pluck live shell from soldier's head
Just after looking over a second CT scan, Bini and his team discussed the risk of surgery. In order to conduct surgery without exploding the ordnance, Bini, who was the surgeon, had to take safety precautions such as turning off all volatile anesthetics and electricity. While Bini was the surgeon, Rengel monitored the "soldier's vital signs" with a "blood pressure cuff, a battery-operated heart rate monitor and some good old-fashioned arithmetic." Other personnel in the surrounding area were told to evacuate.
Bini reports that the ordnance did not penetrate the patient's brain. However, there was a signification fracture. As the surgery took place, Bini abandoned metal tools for the procedure, so he actually used his bare hands to pull the bomb out due to a fear that it would increase the chances of the bomb exploding,
This is a great story about a person who crosses the line to help another person of a different race. Even though he argues the real heroes are the soldiers, Bini risked his life for another person. I respect him for taking the necessary steps, under intensive pressure, to extract the unexploded ordnance.
By reading this article, I have realized that there are life-threatening risks for surgeons behind the scenes. We are fortunate to have soldiers and surgeons who dedicate their lives for our country.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
On to Mars: Obama declares, 'I expect to see it'
If NASA can do it, then why not? Another achievement for mankind sounds nice to me. I just hope that Obama is not biting off more than he can chew. If they can accomplish this then that's great. I just hope it's accomplished eventually in our lifetime.
South Korea uses a crane to raise the naval ship
58 crew members were rescued. However, after a week of searching with no success, South Korea focused on raising the ship in hopes of finding more survivors. One of their unsuccessful rescue missions involved navy divers during the few hours after the naval ship sank. Due to "exceeding recommended times and depths under water," one navy diver died while others were hospitalized. Some argue that the public pressure placed on these divers were the cause of their excessive risks.
With only 58 members rescued, family members of the navy criticize that there was not enough action taken to rescue the crew members.
In the mean time, South Korea is not sure about the sinking of the naval ship. One theory is a mine, from the Korean War, struck the boat. However, South Korea has "backed away from casting blame on North Korea."
An unexpected loss of navy crew members is a tragedy for the South Korean people. Even though 58 crew members were rescued, there absolutely was not enough urgency in the beginning to rescue the other crew members that might have been still alive in the ship. However, I still applaud South Korea for their efforts to find the missing crew members, especially the navy divers who risked their lives.
I honestly think South Korea will find clues about why the ship sank. If not, lets hope a catastrophe like this does not happen in the near future.
Northern Europe Plagued with Ash
Northern Europe became the brunt of this massive destruction where the ash in the air has caused flight cancelations in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Holland, France and Spain. All these airports will remain closed until midday Friday. It is reported that it is the first time in aviation history that all aircraft have been canceled across North Europe. People have been claiming the impact on travelers as "worse than 9/11" which I personally believe is a little drastic to say considering 9/11 was a manmade destruction and this was not.
Apparently the sky appears like a dusty haze and it smells of sulphur and rotten eggs.
The reason why the planes can't fly with these ash particles is not entirely because of visibiltiy, but rather if the ash gets into the engine, it blocks up all of the ventilation holes that bleed in cooling air. The engines just end up shutting down.
Wow, that is really crazy, considering people consider the effects worse than 9/11. There is a picture of the link of the cloud of ash from Iceland in the link, check it out!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Toyota Suspends Sales of Lexus GX 460
Mark Templin, Lexus Group vice president and general manager, stated that, "We are taking the situation with the GX 460 very seriously and are determined to identify and correct the issue Consumer Reports identified."
Since the sale of the 2010 Lexus GX 460, which was 3 months ago, there have been 5,000 sold. Consumer Reports warn owners to drive with caution on exit ramps and call Toyota demanding repairs. In addition, they suggest car buyers to not purchase the Lexus GX 460 until the problems are corrected.
This is unfortunate Toyota is facing another car problem. Toyota held a reputation for safety, but it seems that there is no trust for their cars anymore. Toyota met or exceeded all federal government testing requirements for consecutive years, but they have gone downward ever since the recall. However, I don't blame public opinion. New Toyota cars have caused car accidents and killed some people with their sticking gas pedals and acceleration issues. Hopefully Toyota will find a resolution for this ongoing problem soon. Maybe the source of the problem is inventing new technology too quickly without sufficient routine tests.
Library of Congress to permanently archive Twitter posts
...Great. Does this mean I have to watch what I tweet from now on? I think it's cool that the Library of Congress is interested in gathering all the Twitter "messages" which I can only assume that they are talking about tweets. Who knew Twitter would become so popular. Twitter is actually a useful website ...if you know how to use it correctly, that is. News is leaked faster on Twitter than any other website. I find out more information on Twitter than I could from reading a newspaper. Twitter accounts such as @BreakingNews make it easier to know what is going on with the world in short and simple tweets. Because you can access Twitter from your phone as well, it makes reading the news a whole lot easier. If you don't know what Twitter is, think Facebook but only status updates (with 140 characters or less).
Mississippi school district ordered to end racial segregation
Someone tell Mississippi that it's 2010 and not 1954. I find it incredibly appalling that a school district would allow students to transfer to a school just because there is a significant amount of white students there. I'm surprised that they've been allowed to keep doing this for so long. I'm also surprised that there haven't been any parental complaints about the current situation. Clearly people don't realize that segregation is wrong. Why does it matter if people are black or white? I thought the country put that behind already.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Russian child returned by adopted parents
The article went on to talk about foreign adoptions and whether they truly are a good idea and then gave some numbers about the huge amount of Russian orphans a large amount because their parents were deemed unfit by the Russian government. I'm all in favor of foreign adoption and have no problem with that but I'm just really confused about how deranged these former parents are. Seems like there should be some kind of investigation or something. Not government related but I thought this deserved some attention.
Western Chinese province struck by 6.9 earthquake
Another earthquake... pretty scary. It's a good thing that the death toll is not as high, mainly because not many people live in that region. Hopefully the death toll doesn't keep rising and damage is minimal. Seems like 2010 is truly the year of earthquakes.
Edit 04/14/10: Death toll has risen to 589 and over 10,000 are injured.
Facebook's New Safety Center

Today, Facebook has added a new "Safety Center." Some new features on this launch allow users to find more information about how to report cyber-bullying and pictures of yourself you do not like. There are also new safety resources "for parents, educators, teens and members of the law enforcement community." In addition, Facebook has added more explanations about frequently asked questions, changing privacy settings, how to block users, report users anonymously, and remove unwanted content on your profile page.
According to Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan of Facebook, he reports that, "We've quadrupled the safety content available, and we've created cleaner, more navigable interfaces to help you find answers to safety questions fast."
Facebook hopes 400 million users will network safely as it is their top priority.
I am glad Facebook is adding more safety features. Recently, Phoebe Prince, who brought national attention, was cyber-bullied on Facebook continuously, which eventually was one of the causes of her death. Hopefully users will be able to navigate Facebook more safely with new safety content available. However, Facebook's recent update for safety had some errors, such as exposing users' profiles which were once private. But, I think Facebook got it right this time.
Gay Themes In Alameda Books Stir Parental Concern
I think it's sad that it seems like people are still living in the dark. Parents should realize that if children learn that it's wrong to bully people based on their sexual preferences, they'll be less likely to bully people when they're older. I think it's a great program that the school district is trying to introduce. Honestly, there should be more programs like this. It's parents like Karen Cook that are still holding the country back. I can somewhat understand where she's coming from, but I don't agree with her.
Al Qaeda trying to find nuclear materials
The article I read seemed relatively calm about this and that definitely threw me off as this seems like huge news and incredibly troublesome. I can only imagine it's because of their lack of success that this isn't a much higher priority but this still comes as quite a shock even though I should have suspected Al Qaeda of this sort of terrorist action. Apparently there has even been 18 robberies or losses of the 2 key ingredients of nuclear bombs which is just absolutely preposterous that you can "lose" or have someone steal something so incredibly dangerous. I'm definitely hoping that the US can figure out some way to shut down this attempt at making nuclear bombs as the cost of not acting could be far greater than anyone could imagine.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Roethlisberger will not be charged with sexual assault
However, even though there is a claim that she was sexually assaulted, there is not enough evidence to prosecute successfully. The doctor who examined the victim "could not tell whether bruising on her genitals was from sexual assault." In addition, a rape-evidence kit "found a small amount of male DNA but not enough to create a profile." Other reports argue no one else was there to witness the crime.
Even though Roethlisberger will not be charged due to a lack of evidence, he will face league or team discipline, which is a small price to pay for the crime that he might have committed.
In my opinion, I dislike the fact that some professional athletes who commit crimes do not face the same severity of punishments as an average citizen. With a past history of an act related to sexual assault, there should have been a deeper investigation for this crime.
I wonder how this will affect his NFL career and social life, especially his role as a team leader.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Arsenic: The Solution to Blood Cancer

In China, scientists have discovered that arsenic ,which was previously used as a murder weapon during the Middle Ages, can get rid of blood cancer. Arsenic destroys the specific proteins that prolongs the cancer's life. Contrary to chemotherapy, arsenic's side effects are not as dangerous and risky. When treated with chemotherapy, patients often come back with negative results such as hair loss or suppression of bone marrow function. Arsenic is known as a toxic poison because its symptoms are undetected. However, China has discovered medicinal uses for arsenic different from Chinese traditional medicine. During 1992, Chinese doctors explained the application of arsenic in the treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). APL is a blood and bone marrow cancer and has over 90 percent cure rates in China. Zhang Xiaowei, the lead researcher at the State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics in Shanghai, demonstrated how Chinese doctors use modern equipment and arsenic to destroy specific proteins that would expand the cancer's life.
I am personally surprised that arsenic, a murder weapon in the middle ages, can be used to save cancer patients. I hope that in the future scientists will find more odd uses of poisons to improve human health.
Bangkok protest violence worsens
I actually hadn't heard anything about this before I read this article but looking at the pictures and reading the reports this looks to be a huge issue going on in Thailand. Whenever there is a coup there are obviously those who supported the person taken out of power and in this case large protests have broken out over Bangkok. With the protestors firing real bullets at the security forces who are returning fire with tear gas and rubber bullets this will quickly escalate into the kind of civil war that could tear the country apart. With 20 dead just over the weekend we have to hope that the temporary truce that was established can hold until leaders from both sides are able to sit down and negotiate. I'd like to see some international involvement from the United Nations if it could help to facilitate discussions and prevent further bloodshed. I think all there is to do now is wait for the coming week and see how negotiations pan out and whether some kind of lasting truce can be reached or if further protests will occur.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Polish President's Plane Crashes
Obviously this is a horrible tragedy and the people of Poland must truly be taking this hard. Losing the President of your country must be incredibly difficult for the health of the country as a whole and the political issues that crop up. At this point there is nothing to do but hope that everything remains stable and calm in Poland and that the victims of the plane crash did not suffer in any way.
Bullying Leads to Student's Death
Friday, April 9, 2010
University of Wisconsin cuts ties with Nike Inc. over Labor concerns in Honduras
Wisconsin Sophomore, Jonah Zinn, 19,says. ""It's a major, major victory nationally..."We're hoping that our victory here really propels them forward and pushes those universities to make the right decision."
I find this really interesting and hopeful that more and more colleges will start to become more aware of how Nike treats their workers in offshore countries. I'm glad Wisconsin took this very seriously and took the step to end their terms with Nike. It makes me really happy that they care about how workers are treated in sweatshops and their willingness to stop buying from Nike.
US-Russia START Treaty
"The Senate will assess whether or not the agreement is verifiable, whether it reduces our Nation's ability to defend itself and our allies from the threat of nuclear armed missiles, and whether or not this administration is committed to preserving our own nuclear triad," McConnell said in a statement.
Senator Reid responded, "Strategic arms control treaties similar to this one have historically passed the Senate with strong bipartisan support, and I am confident that this agreement will receive the 67 votes from both sides of the aisle needed for passage," Reid said in a press release. "There is no need to play politics with something as important as this is to our national security."
I largely agree with Senator Reid on this in that there really is a need to reduce, not eliminate, nuclear stockpiles. As it stands now nuclear weapons are too powerful a force to have as many at our disposal as we currently do. To be honest I'd like to see them all gotten rid of except perhaps a few only at the disposal of a joint union of countries who could control them only in the case of some major catastrophe where we could conceivably need them but not for warfare.
While this happy dream world doesn't exist taking steps to reduce nuclear arms can only be considered a good thing and a positive step for all countries with nuclear weapons. As for the partisan issue I really doubt Republicans would make any fuss over this because everyone can see the good in reduction and only reducing by 1/3rd will not leave us with too few to defend ourselves.
Climate Change
"We need all hands on deck because there is a huge amount to do, and not much time to do it. What happens in the Arctic will have broad consequences for the Earth and its climate."
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Boston man gets Punished for Crossing into North Korea
Although it was expected for those people to be punished for illegally crossing, I really admire how strong their beliefs were and how brave they were to do such a thing. A couple from my church are now spending their second year in China teaching English. I really admire them being able to step out of their comfort zone to a complete foreign country where there are ridiculous restrictions. When my church wants to send letters to them, we are not allowed to have anything like bible verses, "God Bless you...", or any phrases of that sort because the Chinese government enforces mail to be looked through.
It is ridiculous how harsh North Korean restrictions are and how ruthless their punishments are for such a petty crime.
-Emily Niemann
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
"Doctor Shopping" an Increasing Problem
Toyota Warns Europe Before U.S.
"Toyota, in a statement Tuesday, said it "has and will continue to practice its philosophy of satisfying consumers with high quality vehicles that are safe and reliable, and responding to consumer feedback with honesty and integrity.."
Too bad, the Toyota customers that have been killed due to these problems will not be in any way affected by what they promise. Although Toyota has been very successful with their sales, because of this outsourcing issue they encountered, their production has come to a halt and millions of dollars are at stake because of the bad quality and design of the cars that have been distributed all over the world.
I think outsourcing is a very productive technique, however, when the design of cars (something that has to be designed very carefully because if they are not..they malfunction and cause BAD accidents to happen...) has been poorly taken into consideration and the drawbacks of owing money is more significant than the money made in the first place when they sold the automobile.