During last year’s presidential campaign, Sarah Palin burst onto the election stage. Palin, a far right conservative, was added to the ticket in an attempt to sure up the right wing base of the Republican Party, a move that, obviously, ended in both failure for the McCain campaign, and the election of the first African-American into the White House. Now, just over 10 months after that election, Palin is already setting herself up for a presidential bid in 2012.
Palin, who has come to be shall-we-say as one of the more dull crayons in the box, attempted earlier today to calm concerns about both her less-than-substantial foreign policy profile, and her knowledge of economics, by speaking in Hong Kong to various Asian investors and fund managers. Suprisingly, critics said Mrs. Palin was “…articulate, well prepared, and even compelling.” This comes as quite the surprise, as Mrs. Palin was notoriously a speaker who not only generally had no clue as to what she was talking about, but didn’t care that she had no idea what she was talking about! Supposedly, in this meeting, Palin was respectful and considerate of the President, steering clear her previous attacks on the national deficit and health care.
Palin is trying, in no uncertain terms, to redefine her image, to make people believe she is a changed woman, now festooned with intelligence, experience, and gusto. Simply put, I don’t buy it. I don’t buy that Palin, in the past 10 months, has gained any experience or, more importantly, wisdom, whatsoever. According to a Times article, Palin not only refused to answer questions after the speech, but only invited guests and a few employees of the firm which sponsored the event were allowed inside the ballroom where Palin made her speech. As New Yorker Melvin Goodé put it, “They really prepared her well.” While some might believe that Palin’s changed, I definitely don’t. Leopards don’t change their spots, and neither do pit bulls. Especially ones who wear lipstick.
-Riley G.
P.S. For those of you that may not get the title, Palin referred to herself as a bulldog wearing lipstick during the presidential campaign.
Sure isn't hard to sound intelligent if you have people writing the speech for you and coaching you on how to deliver it. It's much harder to sound intelligent when you're forced to say things that weren't prepared for you by someone who does such things for a living. Hence why she avoided taking questions.
I think Sarah Palin has realized that she could not maintain her old hard right position and still be taken seriously by the majority of the country. By taking a more moderate, but still conservative-leaning position, she can appeal to a much wider audience.
The worrisome part is if, once she obtains a position of power, she'll maintain such a position, or start acting like her old self. I would hope that such a reversal would not happen, as she would not want to risk the possibility of not being re-elected, but you never know.
Francis Wang
Interesting article. I am also thinking the same way Francis is thinking. A lot of her stupid comments came from interviews and random questions asked to her. Because she did not prepare these questions, she blurted out some statement that was completely irrelevant and somewhat stupid. Her intellectual speech was obviously written for her and all she had to do was read it word for word and smile at the cameras. That is not hard to accomplish.
I also don't believe that Palin has changed for the better, but you never know.
While I share the opinion that Sarah Palin is a comical figure not to be taken seriously, I still believe that you are being a little unfair. After all, isn't America the land of second chances? If she is genuinely trying to change her position to a more respectable, moderate one then I think she should be lauded not attacked. She may not have been able to gain what would be nece3ssary for a realistic chance at the Presidency but the effort seems to be there.
*necessary not nece3ssary
I only read the first paragraph, and from the looks of it, that's all I really need to read. This is, unfortunately, why she resigned from being governor. I don't see how a somewhat average person with even half of a brain would even conceive of such unintelligence. She completely stabs her Alaskan people in the back, and, this is what gets me, IN THE HOPES, of achieving the presidency in 2012. What she doesn't realize is, she's also stabbing her fellow Republicans, who aren't even looking good themselves politically anyway, in the back as well. You'd think someone, as mentioned above, would get the concept, but you know what, I guess she really is shining her true colors.
"Palin is trying, in no uncertain terms, to redefine her image, to make people believe she is a changed woman, now festooned with intelligence, experience, and gusto."
Must I attempt to analyze this waste of thought?
-Andrew Oxendine 3°
Yikes I take a break for a bit and look what happens. You bring up Palin's foreign policy expertise yet you ignore Obama's? Really? Considering Obama was a senator for less than 4 years and he's now our president you really shouldn't be throwing stones in your glass house. Redefining an image? In America? Cripes someone call the police we got a serious breach of national defense over here. Preparing someone for a speech?!?!!? OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You realize no politicians write their own speeches right? Giving a speech to people who might actually listen or agree to you? Blasphemy. We must only speak to those who hate us most and convince them otherwise why bother talking.
Andrew: Lol really dude? You realize stepping down before TRYING TO GET A BETTER JOB IS A GOOD THING? Presidential candidates are supposed to step down from office, if they are campaigning they aren't doing their job in the senate. If Palin does run for office I applaud her for letting someone who can devote their time to their job to take her place. It should be mandatory to be honest.
I don't even support Palin but there was an inordinate amount of fail on this page.
"You realize stepping down before TRYING TO GET A BETTER JOB IS A GOOD THING? Presidential candidates are supposed to step down from office, if they are campaigning they aren't doing their job in the senate."
Can't make it any clearer, if you didn't understand something that simple don't know what to tell you...
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