According to multiple sources from the Obama administration, the president doesn't plan on passing immigration reform this year but rather is going to focus on our economy. "There are a lot of things on his plate and a lot of pressing issues relating to the economy. I don't think he expects that it will be done this year," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters. Back when Obama was senator, he was very supportive of immigration reform, voting to build a 700-mile long fence across the US-Mexican border and backed plans that would provide a safe way for current illegal immigrants to be granted citizenship.
So should we start immigration reform right now? I think so. Immigration reform would be a great stimulus to our economy. The illegal immigrants right now getting paid under the table could come out of "hiding" and be able to start a family and a business, all of which would be great stimuli. Also, I think it would be somewhat of a morale booster. Many Americans get frustrated with the job market and claim that illegal immigrants have been taking American jobs. If the Obama administration began immigration reform that actually strengthen immigration laws, making it harder for illegal immigrants to take American jobs, but also making it possible to become a citizen, I think that would encourage the work force and get more people out and spending money.
My first thought was that there ARE so many other problems our country is dealing with right now (ECONOMY) and that immigrants might not be a priority, we've lived how things are for years already right? But it's a great point that they can seriously help improve our economy. I'm sure it would make a very significant difference in the economy, so indeed Obama should address it. (I just also want to throw out there that building a 700 mile fence is NOT the way to deal with it), it would be hard to maintain, an utter waste of resources.)
I think that immigration is a pressing issue, but there are other things to deal with. Not top of my list of things to fix but still important. The economy is very important to us right now and I think that although reforming immigration laws might help the economy I think it could just as easily hurt it. Usually, immigrants are living in poverty because they have to be paid under the table and what not. But if we were to suddenly make it easier for them to become citizens then there could be an increase in people needing welfare, filing for unemployment or taking money out of our economy instead of contributing to it.
I can understand why people begin pointing out illegal immigrants when economic times are hard. When things go wrong, we always look for people to blame, and American's have a history of blaming the immigrants. I think that immigration reform is a problem and should be addressed. Yes, we have been living this way for years, but there is no time like the present. I agree with Rachel, making some illegal citzens would increase the tax revenues and promote jobs for Americans. Similarly, by preventing illegal immigration (not through a wall -- I agree with Roxane, a complete waste of resources), Americans would feel as though the Obama administration is helping jobs stay in America. That could be a win-win situation. Granted, things are much more complicated than that, but I think some kind of compromise between the right and left would be ideal.
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