I found this article while browsing around.
Apparently the Catholic church is ready to come out and admit they had a bit more then a minor part in the Proposition 8 results. Oh yea, but its ok, its time to be friends again.
"We need to stop talking as if we are experts on the real motives of people with whom we have never even spoken. We need to stop hurling names like "bigot" and "pervert" at each other."
I've gotta say, I have been pretty disappointed with the total lack of restraint and respect for separation of church and state recently. It basically seems to me that right now, people look at it as a way to keep the STATE seperate from the church, but then at the same time, the church is allowed to step in whenever they should so please, hurl a couple million dollars and some million odd supporters at a piece of religious legislation and everyone walks off into the sunset holding hands?! That is my problem here, we DO NOT allow bad money into our presidential campaigns, we try not to let people bribe congress (though it happens anyway), and yet this is abso-freakin-lutely perfect?
$38 million dollars says you have some serious issues with the other side, and I dont care how you cut the cake, that money went to pushing a religiously funded idea into our state constitution.
Sorry for the soapbox, I am not trying to trample any person's religious beliefs, I just simply have a few qualms the government behind it.
Your logic and reasoning confuse me. Dont forget those gays are out to get christmas! Before you know it hotdogs, fireworks, guns, baseball and even those little GI Joe action figures will be gone!!!! At least there are some brace Americans willing to spend millions of dollars to make sure those gays cant do whatever it was that they wanted!
Separation of church and state is a good thing, but it seems it is mainly done to protect the church. If a law is passed that talks about religion everyone gets mad, but when the church gets involved with government there are not that many protests.
did anyone really think that the church wasn't involved with prop 8, seriously, of course the churches are involved, and as far as it is concerned they are a MAJOR interest group with millions of dollars at their disposal, now if i were a congressman, i would love to get some of that action to fund my reelection campaign. Plus, the church does represent a huge population of people, and isn't america based on that oh so important ideal of representation?
I do not in anyway support prop 8.
wow, 2% provided that much money?? It never ceasese to amaze me how much money chrisitianity sucks out of its followers because honestly, like, with all this crapload of money floating around for the church to use, its hard to beleive they are holy.
I mean, after all, couldn't all that money have been used for a greater cause like say, heaven forbid, for the poor, homeless and other good things for society. Anyway, as a non-christian, it always amazes me how much money these people are able to amass.
To me, providing that much money is borderline hate. Why do they care so much?? Oh yeah, gay marriages ruin the sanctity of marriage. BS. What about divorce, abusive relationships, and people getting married for all the wrong reasons?
Marriage isn't even a religious institution, it's a contract with the government. Why should the church be allowed to contribute so much then? The church is basically defining marriage.
I don't want to get further into this because I don't want to offend anybody. But, I believe that marriage is about love and commitment, not about gender, race, or class. AND, the church should really keep out of state business.
and I agree with Jesse Chung. They should have used all that money for a better cause. Aren't they supposed to spread love and happiness?
Well, at least they admitted the truth... even though we probably all knew it.
A lot of people are upset about the merging of church and state, but it is almost as if there is a loss of democracy. I know prop 8 passed because of a democratic vote, but who knows how many people the church was able to influence? They even admit that their goal was to influence people to vote yes on 8. That is not democracy the way I view it; that is simply politics. But I guess money talks.
Furthermore, there seems to be no sense of remorse or shame for having spent so much money to keep marriage sacred in one state. I wonder if all of that cash was worth it.
That's terrible, I hate that. Why does the church have to get involved. Do they think homosexuality is that bad? It does not effect them and it shows how money can sway a vote. The government needs to do something about money swaying votes. I mean of course presidential candidates use a lot of money in their campaigns but they are trying to be elected as the head of the country. The church was not trying to do something good, they were trying to express their beliefs in areas where they werent suppose to.
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