Demonstrators on both sides of the abortion debate filled a narrow, windowless hallway in the Georgia Capitol on Wednesday, raising their voices and waving signs as legislators debated a bill aiming to outlaw nearly all abortions. Protestors screamed words of contempt and approval, cheering on their constituents side following each testimony. Amongst the chaos, one man in particular screamed "'I’m so thankful that my mom gave me life and did not sacrifice her children'" (Kramon, 25).
The proposed bill would criminalize any abortion occurring after the point of fertilization, the stage in which a baby is considered a person. This bill expands on Georgia's current personhood law that allows tax breaks and child support/care to unborn children. Although Georgia already has a ban on babies with a detectable human heartbeat, this measure is claimed to not be strict enough by Georgia's anti-abortion religious leaders. The bills sponsor, Emory Dunahoo, argues that thousands of babies "made in the image of god" are murdered in Georgia each year, and “'This bill simply ensures that those same laws protecting the lives of people after birth equally protect the lives of people before birth" (Dunahoo, 25).
Not all individuals with anti-abortion mindsets support this bill however, claiming that criminalization of women attempting to have an abortion is a step too far. Critics add on, stating that "it would bar women from lifesaving care," and "women with miscarriages or dangerous health complications during birth wouldn't get the care they need" (Kramon, 25). Representative Shea Roberts recounted her own experience with abortion, highlighting how "'doctors told me that the dream of my child was going to die either inside of me or within minutes outside my body, and it would be suffering'” (Roberts, 25).
The bill does grant some exceptions, citing cases in which the pregnancy results in a spontaneous miscarriage, and procedures needed to save the mother's life are unable to preserve the baby. Opponents argues that these exceptions are irrelevant, as doctors would be too frightened by the bill to provide care anyway. Such claims are backed up by two recent cases in which the mother "died from delayed care tied to Georgia’s abortion law after taking abortion pills" (Kramon, 25).
Doctors warn that the bill would lead to the criminalization of in vitro fertilization, an assisted reproductive technology, which, just last month, was protected by a separate Georgian bill with bipartisan support. Dunahoo assures that the bill will not interfere with in vitro fertilization access, but Dr. Karenne Fru, who runs an in vitro clinic, claims the bill will "put her out of work" (Kramon, 25).