Thursday, November 12, 2015

Future Presidents Face More Problems Than It Seems

With the new presidential campaign approaching, our potential candidates have a lot to consider for their strategies.  In addition to pleasing the variety of political parties and interest groups, these candidates have the obligation to pursue their "political needs," says Jonathan Bernstein.  These political needs being that they pertain to what is needed to advance one's campaign's endeavors.

An example of potential candidates impacting their campaign including others is Bernie Sanders's  introducing a "bill of amendment to the US Constitution"(which is an amendment to the bill of rights) in an attempt to "'protect the integrity and fairness to the electoral process.'"  This is only one of the many examples how political figures are affecting the campaigning process and electoral decisions for both presidential candidates and voters.  Yet this specific example shows the amount of impact a single decision of a candidate can have on their presidential campaign.

Considering the President of the United States has a lot of responsibility, they would require a large quantity of the right skills to fit the position.  What do you consider are the most important aspects to a campaign?  What kind of political aspects must a candidate consider when running for president?

  • Bloomberg View

1 comment:

Casey Vanderlip said...

I feel that presidential candidates should focus on having a plan. Certain nominees are focused on building their self-image while bringing down others. But, I think it is important to have a plan when trying to get the presidential bid. Sanders put his reputation at risk by urging an amendment; however, he shows the people he is not scared to put things on the line for change. He was bold which should be an important factor for a president because you must be bold to make things happen in congress.